new character
new character
mega lopunny with those ripped stockings. it is like they saw the creepy fanart for lopunny and decided they need even more pandering
May the female ruby/sapphire character
the thing that is mind boggling to me is that someone compares silly ass humping in gta to actual rape....
i find it a very enjoyable but flawed game that sets a good foundation for the sequels of the rebooted tomb raider.
even if they have to implement it, they sure as hell didn't have to do it like this by suddenly implementing a completely and utterly broken system using a database or whatever you wanna call audible magic that is just as broken. the fact that people who are not the original creator or copyright holder of a song can…
my god this looks bad
hope everyone does this. just donate the 5 bucks to the streamer instead of giving twitch half by subscribing
not just that it is free advertising sadly the idiots who have a say in the recording industry are too stupid to realize this.
it is a common phrase. the entire ama is full of laughable shit respsonses and answers from twitch lets not focus on this...
so pathetic that all of twitch's answers are either non answers or answers that are so god damn facepalm worthy.
as expected
but everything is explained. from the beginning of humanity to gehirn, nerv, seele, adam, eva, lilith etc
sadly twitch is not gonna do shit. twitch or should i say google might have cared if all the 10k+ viewer streams stopped streaming changed their stream title etc to send a message but since they just happily continue streaming...
or sports games, or racing games that are not sim racers or, ....
HAHA. god i hope a streaming site pulls through and users will migrate to it