
sony should think about getting into talks with lab zero about making them first party.


artstyle is generic and the comedy placement was horrible... comedy shortly after tatsumi found out his friends had been horribly tortured to death and he killed the rich girl

from the stuff i watched so far

you are correct. grown man should pose like grown man

not enough japanese ps4 games and the struggling japanese console market

and nerds, and black kids, teachers, and every other normal kid that is blamed for stuff they did not do while the bullies get away

really great


lets not kid ourselves with the sailor moon nostalgia. the real star of this season is

you have lady oscar as your avatar your opinion is right.

sigh. stop demanding diversity for the sake of having diversity

we are SOO close to watching paint dry

how... this cannot be..

really liked it and feels nostalgic. kinda weird seeing sailor moon again now