
dear god pls no.....

worldwide simulcast first episode 5th july

the point where a jrpg beginner in 2014 will stop playing ff 7

nice idea. everyone probably had a good time and a few good laughs and it is for a good cause. win win

that was great

well there is still some room to perfect the tenkaichi/raging blast formula

i feel that i have more creativity when making female characters. when i make a male character it either is some idealized fantasy version of myself or i end up with the same bearded badass. i guess because i am attracted to women i just see more possiblities when making a female character. types i am attracted

holy crap these animations are god awful

Now playing

Black Desert will consume your life then

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had to clean my ears with some good miku

the price cut took longe nough but hopefully this will fuel the competition a bit. sony has been a bit too quiet recently imo.

Elfen Laid huh

one day he will be able to use these in gunpla battles

looks great but i acutally prefer the black and white version

glad they reversed it, i like how they handled it.

holy crap. looking at these images i just noticed transistor, completely forgot it is coming out in may. awesome

you are quite imature. the moment you do not know how to answer you just ignore it or just post an extreme example that is something entirely different

read what you just typed again. even as hyporble it is quite disgusting what you just typed. you are pretty extreme, you also ignored the last part i wrote

actually putting a guy on this and having him press the dick against it would arouse a man aswell.