
Well, believe or not, growing in THE BRONX, I actually know something about bad language. Take the bus along E Tremont Ave, and you'll get an education too.


Why do you care if a white man condemns the use of the word nigger?

The question I have, that Piers Morgan won't ask of John Legend, is why does he care if a white man condemns the use of the racial slur nigger?

Contacts or eye surgery. Only if there was another option to correct vision problems? Hmm...

I like Amy Hargrove's story. Sometimes the Tales get a little bitter, so it is nice to hear of a nice one.

The sad thing is that Kurt Warner thinks he is doing a good thing, but what is happening is that anti-science politicians are getting elected then less money is spent on education.

Love that they don't white wash the roles.

My best friend and perpetual pick-up teammate made a full court shot in a contest on his 2nd try.

Because of the nature of her work, Dunham must relish the increased publicity she is receiving from her own revelation.

Ha, the sound mix was great but Prince's guitar was unplugged for first 20 seconds!

About Anne Balog's story: my thing about doing work outside of your purview is that if it isn't that hard and it won't get you in trouble, I think you should do it.

Good tips, especially the "No Vacancy".

"Mommmmmmmm! Knock first!!!!!"

You said there are almost no good writers about fighting, and I was going to suggest Joyce Carol Oates and her book, "On Boxing".

Alta/BRD is definitely the next wave of hooligan rides.

Uh, there is a difference between making some minor tweaks to software code and the much larger issue of speaking for women's issues.

The standard for evidence will be much lower in an internal hearing than a criminal case, but it is so damning, both for Winston and FSU.

Billy Joe Hobert?

HAHA. I'm one of those Gixxer riders you hate! I bought my GSX R-1000 and I tear up the Bay Area!!!! Should I have gotten a 8 inch travel bike with dirt tires to pavement commute?

Now playing

I read the linked article and Air Force General Hostage is right: the A-10 will be useless in another level of future combat!