
you mean porn available via FTP and USEnet binaries.

Every time you get in a car you risk death.

Why was BMI ever accepted? My best friend is as tall as me (6'4")and weighs more than me (I have a big gut he has an 8 pack) but according to the BMI index we are both severally overweight.

Don't WAN connectivity like T1 lines come in through a phone line?

I refuse to pay/watch a 3D movie so I sure hell are not going to pay for 4D either.

Well consider the average job gets 1,500 applications (probably more these days) so if you were HR do you want to field 1,500 calls about the position? HR weeds the resumes however they do it. That is why they ask not to call.

Am I the only one disappointed the person didn't send naked pictures of themselves by accident?

Because gay marriage is legal and recognized, bestiality, being Jerry Sandusky is not.

I'm guessing you grow everything you eat and make your own clothes, grow your own plastic, silicon, made your own car/bike/subway etc because every corporation you buy from offers same sex benefits.

I have only 1 wish for this device, 10 inches, bigger is better!! I am tall and have long fingers and big hands, 7 is just too small (i know i know that's what she said).

I'm a well seasoned drinker. It's pretty easy to pace yourself all day. Even at 38 I managed I not over drink this past St Patrick's Day. Had my first drink at 8 a.m., met up with my 24 year old cousin at 5 p.m., and partied with her and her friends until 3 a.m. I barely even ate all day. Had a very light breakfast

Dining on an airplane? The US based airlines stopped serving food years ago!!

I still have 2 hotmail ones that are at least from 1996, maybe even 1995. Never use them but for some reason can't let go. You know, back when you could choose your own name and not have to use Unfortunately from not being used over the years, my inbox and folders were deleted by

I think they do more than cars. You often see perfectly good trailers with pristine (in great shape) boats on the side of highways.

But he wrote a bunch of IOUs.

Serious question, what's with the reflective belt jokes?

A summary of my programming skill set:

I'd ok with a non removalable battery if the stock was 3300 mAh + Even the Nexus extended battery is awful.

And so is using the radio, grabbing your coffee or coke, using your iPod, using Pandora on your cell phone. Yet none of those are illegal?

I took over the cell phone at work from my predecessor and kept the same number. Eighteen months later I still get weekly calls form debt collectors which are typically just recorded messages. I'm not shocked because the guy was issued a warrant at work (Fortune 100 company) so he's obviously pretty shady.