
It might be fall before prices come back down. I am ready for a NAS but I hate to spend more on hard drive space than than NAS itself. I want 3TB because RAW pictures take up so much space.

The only hard drive news I want to hear is pre flood pricing!! :)

Probable cause is smelling weed or seeing something in plain sight like a bong, knife, crack pipe, a gun, empty beer bottles, etc. You have a legal right to refuse and let them go through the process of a search warrant.

You can just not in the U.S. airlines. Heck you can't even smoke in a bar is some states, a bar where everyone is an adult.

This is laughable. You could pick apart every single Hollywood fight scene.

Ever traveled to Europe? You get a good 2 inches of head (yes I know that's why she said) on beer. If it's any less it's not considered fresh.

I have the older model of that RCA and works fine for me but I live near Atlanta so I'm close to the stations. I pick up the locals, I pay for Hulu Plus and Netflix streaming. Then I use TPB and other sites for everything else. There is even a simpler way than TBP - coach potato and sick beard.

Be right next to you laughing my ass off!! That was my favorite part as well.

The Mayans didn't observer Leap Days so the world ended a few years ago.

No one around here use Trillian? AIM to me just reminds me of the A/S/L days of AOL.

I know with the different levels Tempur's can reach $4K-$5K and even at $1400 that is like 3 times what I paid. I have a Queen. Mine also comes with a warranty, I think 20 years. I'd been wanting a Tempur for years but with the economy (50% pay cut from prior job) I just can't afford a name brand like Tempurpedic.

From the looks of it she's about to take a "shot" to the face.

That and how you were brought up. I got a friend who combined with his wife's 6 figure salary is a millionaire. You wouldn't know it. He drives a 8 year old Acura SUV, sure it's nice but it's 8 years old. His wife recently upgraded her SUV after 7 years. He cuts his own lawn, washes his own car, cleans his own

After we all switch to chicken and fish, in 20 years they'll come out with a study saying fish and chicken will kill you and to cut back.

I've always been curious what did the dinosaurs do to create an ice age? The earth is how old and we have a very small percentage on record of average temperature.

Thank you NASA for my Sleep Innovations mattress (10000000% cheaper than Tempurpedic).

Why is there not an orange tip on the end of this like with toy guns?

I am so glad celebrities are stupid. I enjoy everyone of them.

And outer space is easy? Is it just less interest/research/R&D going into the ocean vs space?

Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother### ghost snakes on this motherf### red planet!!!