The Character is known as El Mariachi in all 3 movies, regardless of actor.
The Character is known as El Mariachi in all 3 movies, regardless of actor.
Where are my booty shorts and high heels for men you cowards!
“with Puss in Boots’ Antonio Banderas”
The Phantom is not the lead.
Go watch the Andy Levy “apology” to Chris brown on Youtube. Its great.
I really want to like the souls games. They’re the type of games i enjoy regarding leveling up, rpg elements, story, etc. But The gameplay loop is not something I enjoy. I find repeated deaths and trial and error combat frustrating and not enjoyable. To each their own, but i sure would like an easy mode. I liked the…
I have a vivid memory of eating an egg salad sandwich outside of Buckingham Palace from when i was like 9. the classic plastic prepacked container bought from some street vendor because i was hungry and irritable.
I’m starting to think this Chris Brown fella might not be the nicest person...
MRW y’all talk mess about my girl
All good information but I would note that because of the current state of the fillibuster, nothing gets voted on in the senate that isnt going to get at least some bipartisan support or can pass on party lines. Its why basically nothing but nominations and budget bills have passed in the past year.
Watch Microsoft buy Sony next.
I saw a meme that was like
oh sure, if hypothetically Conservatives were to stop being Conservative for the first time since the civil war and start supporting voting rights, then hypothetically Romney might be one of the ones who does. They will not support voting rights.
On Reddit’s conservative forum theyre praising King as a conservative and claiming the Left would cancel him and he would be an opponent of BLM. it’s depressingly stupid.
Romney: “nobody called to ask me if I would vote for it! The answer is no by the way, but it would be nice to be asked.”
You wouldn’t download a restaurant!
Xbox is looking more and more appealing. Loving my PS5, but plus and now are mediocre where Game Pass looks to be a hell of a deal. If Starfield looks good I might have to grab another console... assuming we can find one by then.
if your meat grinder isn’t safe to use to grind meat, why do you have a meat grinder?
I resolve to never preorder another game. Cyberpunk 2077 was the last for me.
Yes. He purchased a ticket, agreed to the terms and conditions, drove to the airport, wore a mask through security and waited at his gate with one on like a good little passenger, and then put on his panties to get kicked off the airplane.