
the lack of photographs is criminal.

fight me

I am so pumped for this. ME 1 is a masterpiece, but nearly unplayable on 360 at this point with the terrible UI and inventory to say nothing of the clunky outdated combat.

If we sell the hedge funds win.

“to the moon I would post, rocket emoji, rocket emoji, rocket emoji.”

BB did just partner with Amazon as well as a few other companies in an attempt to pivot into an online security company. The stock isn’t entirely a meme. 

The confederacy lasted as long as the Trump presidency. 4 years.

I love the game and think it’s very good as is. However, it is glaringly obvious that the game is incomplete. This needed another year at least to not only optimize it so it runs, but to add in all the missing content. The things that make the world feel alive like driving AI, police that don’t teleport to you and

Ramen with a chirirenge or Renge, pho with a chinese spoon.

Best fruitcake I’ve had. enjoy!

I’m against capital punishment. But if we are going to have it, I’d much rather die by firing squad than the torturous agony that is lethal injection most of the time. Even hanging would be preferable. We tried so hard to make it “humane” and achieved the opposite.

I really enjoyed Human Revolution, and just lost interest about halfway through Mankind Divided.  I can’t really point to anything specific, I just stopped caring. 

I’m just dreading seeing another yellow box on twitter. 

I don’t think I can wait that long.

Honestly nothing I have seen makes me want one at this point. No real next gen games anytime soon, and frankly I rarely have enountered games recently that even particularly pushed my PS4 pro. If Cyberpunk were an exclusive next gen title, that would get me to pop, but it’s not and won’t even release with the next gen

“Evan has always been my favorite son”

It’s not easy being rich, white, and beautiful!

It’s a shame they haven’t made another Mass Effect game after Mass effect 3. Such a great series.

It would be a really bad look for his upcoming state investigations.

“Obama built the cages, all we did was fill them with children as a deterrence strategy. Surely you can see both sides are the same!