
when water is filling the tent at 3am on a moonless night in the middle of a river miles from civilization.

Waking up lost and 20 miles from your car sounds like a blast! I mean... assuming you wake up.

I mean I don’t necessarily disagree, but the pragmatist in me recognizes that while funadmentally moving away from capitalism is probably the right thing to do, it ain’t happening anytime soon.

True, the Nords are in the process of actively resisting the Imperials and while the Imperials are more powerful, it’s more like the US throwing off British rule.

A more restrictive corporate tax code and not allowing unpriced negative externalities like the cost of carbon, impact on roads and infrastructure, lost jobs etc. could go a long ways towards righting some of those wrongs.

The collective hand wringing by the poor at the thought of policies that harm billionaires is frankly unbelievable.

How was technomancer? It appealed to me until I watched a trailer, and then just pretty well lost interest.

elder scrolls in general has been somewhat good about that. Most of the games have had some colonial tensions of some sort and does a good job of showing how the colonizers (usually the imperials) are certain that they are in the right, where the colonized (khajiit, nords, argonians, etc.) have had a much worse view


I don’t support it. But if you’re going to punch someone, might as well punch a Nazi.

“What I’m saying is the allure and hallmark of Sichuan food is the thrilling sensation of heat and numb.”

I am a massive fallout fan, and fallout 76 is the first one I have not bought. I tried it during the free week, and it’s like... so close to being good, and yet so far.

I mean I can pretty much guarantee someone in my ancestry brutally murdered someone for personal gain. That hardly makes that a prescriptive action.

Millenials lives were defined by two main events, 9/11 and the resulting wars occuring in most of our teenage years, and the great recession hitting as most of us were graduating college.

yep, for all the excitement of Hope and Change under Obama, we really didn’t get much. I mean I love the guy, but we didn’t close guantanamo, or stop droning civilians, or expand welfare and education access, and while the ACA was something, it was the Heritage Foundation republican plan.

One thing to remember though is that Hippie culture was a relatively small counter culture in large mostly coastal cities. Majority of boomers were squares in the 60s and 70s, not all flower power love children.

A suspicious black man goes up to EVERY house in the neighborhood daily and messes with their mail boxes! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! LITREALY CRYING RN”

I recently learned that the rest of you are getting paid to troll fox news. And here I’ve being doing it for free like a sucker...

literally why are you so mad? I pointed out that its virtually impossible to overcook a pork shoulder. That’s it. And now you’ve been on a multi day angry rant. And you think I’m being an internet tough guy? Ok buddy. chill.

Stay mad. lol