
I don’t disagree, but sometimes being distanced from your conscience and normal reality can spark great creativity. I’m not advocating for it, but substance use and art/music has a very long and intermixed history.

I would say at least buy it dinner first... but apparently you would have to take it to a different restaurant for that.

I don’t know. If you were mauled by a dog as a child, and are fearful of dogs later in life... Does that really make you mentally ill?

Not sure if it it applies to blog writers, but people with a happy stress free upbringing, and satisfying life, tend not to have a lot of relatable or deep stories and insight. Not a knock on them, but well adjusted people writing about well adjusted people leading normal lives is kinda boring.

I rate the meatballs as “fine”

you do know that just about every steakhouse puts butter on the steaks before serving right? If you aren’t you should start.


do it. It has a fun texture and zero flavor. .really not very scary. get the pho dac biet (usually the pho with everything.) Tendon, tripe, and fat brisket are awesome. Meatballs i can take or leave.

there is an ipho near me.

Crank your AC up a few degrees and adjust your fan, because here’s a hot take coming in.

“really cheap and moderately fun”

SPRAY VARNISH, any brand.

Even worse, when the best Pho restaurant you have ever been too suddenly announces a change in management and they are closing for 3 months. You come back on opening night... and surprise surprise... it is no longer a hole in the wall filled with vietnamese families, the one sulky teenage waitress who ignores you, and

In fallout, I hoard every high value weapon I find. In new vegas i had about 130 fat man launchers in my megaton house desk. In the hundreds of hours I played, I only ever fired a fat man one time. And that was the first time I found one, and wanted to try.

that is obvious

I have this radical idea that I’ve been trying out, and I think it will take the world by storm. I make a custom blend... One glass at a time.

how do I downvote posts?

is it wrong that I kind of love this?

I wouldn’t actually throw a brick at him. But i wouldn’t be mad if someone did.

Ill keep an open mind, but between no NPCs, little story “aside from what you make yourself,” and people being able to grief and destroy any settlement I make... Sounds like I may even skip this one.