San Franshitshow

I’m kind of hazy as to why it’s the Olympic commentators, or any sports commentators job, to continuously bring up that x athlete has x sexual/domestic allegations held against him. They are calling the sport in a (hopefully) nonbiased way. They don’t need to insert anything else into the broadcast to please the

You’ll be comforted by the sheer enormity of the statistical record on your side. It won’t be just aesthetics of his beautiful game (e..g., one of the reasons I hold McEnroe in such high regard and his chance to be a top-tier all-time great, even though he squandered so many tournaments, is b/c if his lovely

When I first started kind of following tennis, Djokovic was at the top of his game and I figured Federer was on his way out.

Let’s get this out of the way: I hate Alabama as much as a moderately passionate sports fan can.

Since Trump was in attendance there were actually two soft flanks.

crazy to think that someday we will all crawl into that huge pink mouth and huddle behind the shattered and tilted peaks of his teeth along the rolling wet hills of his McDonald’s-impacted gum line as he leaps, naked, out into space on a trajectory set for Earth 2, a quivering savior hurtling spread eagle through the

“gwab dem by da pussthy”

The NFL is getting exposed and so is the United States, not surprising because both systems are flawed and run by morons.

Russ is like the little kid that would go up to anyone if he was called out.

“Pardon me. Would you have any Grey Poupon?”

He’s not looking to compete, he’s looking to be carried. Competitive players don’t force themselves off a team just because the QB changed.

Translation: “I’m not willing to risk further damage to my shoulder for a 3rd place team without its star QB, but I am willing to do so for a chance to win a super bowl with Tom Brady.”

More like Mar-didn’t-tellusabouttheinjury, amirite?

I am a spoiled, idiot, asshole Packers fan. My team has lucked its way into the most favorable QB situation in the history of the NFL. The things that I complain about as a fan of the team will make other people puke because I am such a spoiled rotten piss baby.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

I am 100% certain that until this happened, and for a while afterward until some hapless aide finally got him to be begrudgingly convinced, he had no idea that Puerto Rico was part of the United States. None.


I dunno why I keep supporting this bloodsport with my eyeballs, but I’m a hollow shell of a man with no moral center, I guess, so I’ll keep doing it. I know this usually doesn’t happen and all that, but my man there was a facemask away from being dead. I dunno what the hot new ZERO1 helmets are supposed to do about

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.