Hypocrisy doesn’t make me wrong

Off topic, but do you have a T5 V50? Used to work for a Volvo dealer back in 2006 and I loved that car, don’t see too many of them around

Jared is a globalist and RINOcrat who together with Ivanka are keeping Trump from his agenda. Need to get rid of them both!

Trump supporters, or Pedes, like to call liberals (ie. libs, libtards) cucks which is short for cuckold, which is a genre of sex where your wife/significant other is banged by another guy and you watch. Yes, this is really the level of depravity that they’ve sunk to.


I too enjoyed the audio book

I agree with your sentiment, but Presideo Terrace is arguably more exclusive than Sea Cliff.... They are the .001%

Well when you put it like that

I don’t know, I love the interiors on cars from the early 2000's, all real leather and din based audio systems. That and I have an IS300 Sportcross and love it. Little known fact, all of the Sportcross w/nav also come with the LSD. Better known fact, 20 year old nav units are the WORST but the one in the IS300 is a

I’m surprised that no one has suggested this yet, but sounds like what you need is a G37

I love my IS300 sportcombi, it’s reliable and has the coolest analog gauge cluster of it’s era, but fast it is not.

Huge fan of AvE, never thought that I would watch a 45 min teardown of a tool, but there I am.

How have I never heard of this site before!

Wouldn’t mind seeing the Ghibli be given the electric chair, that thing shouldn’t have a Maserati badge

People always ask me why I leave the top down in my car when I park. I tell them I’d rather have someone steam my radio than cut a whole in my top

That was probably your issue, unless you have one of those wind shield things covering the back seats air probably can’t clear the passenger compartment.

I was backing into my garage with the top down at about 11pm, I looked up and sitting in a tree about 5 feet over my head was an entire family of racoons staring at me.

Well, you do live in Phoenix

Huge bonus that you can cook breakfast during your morning commute, just crack an egg on the dash, leave the bagel in the passenger seat and when you get to the office BOOM breakfast sandwich

All that, or maybe he’s an attorney trying to get the max settlement for his client, might have something to do with that.

I’d say Durant signing with the Warriors had something to do with it