Top 5 toys of all time, assuming you could keep track of the pizzas/disks. This is pre Internet so going on amazon and ordering some replacement parts wasn't possible.
Top 5 toys of all time, assuming you could keep track of the pizzas/disks. This is pre Internet so going on amazon and ordering some replacement parts wasn't possible.
Well, I can say with certainty that I wouldn't want my erect or flaccid penis slammed in the door of a Bently after remembering this story... Hurts even thinking about it
Just in time to first to pre order the P2!
You mean these hookup stations? I agree!
And with all those guns you could just steal an M4. I see where you are going with this
FIAT 500 Abarth - I had one of these for a few days on loan from a dealership out here... Maybe the best car ever made for hooning the streets of a major urban center. Oh, and you can get one with less than 10K for around 19K, and new for around 23K.
I think the invention of the nuclear age has made the concept of war in the traditional sense obsolete. Combine that with the establishment of a global economy, and large nation-states have very little incentive to go to war with each other.
Sure, there are plenty of word alternatives (I'm a Docs man myself) but can someone please point me towards an excel alternative? Something that has more than just basic functionality? I'm stuck with MS Office until then.
Meh, just grow a pair and you'll be fine.
A large, flat driveway or garage should of been on this list. I know many in suburbia won't understand, but finding a flat surface large enough to put your car on stands is literally impossible in San Francisco. The struggle is real
Buddy? I ain't your buddy guy.
If I had a kid getting a first car it would be a simple choice.
While I know many kids that purchased their own first car (myself included) I don't know any that paid their own insurance.
Q: Is it worth $50?
Ah, then an apology is in order, I was under the assumption it was one of those buy back options that we get occasionally here in the US and that the fee was associated with track insurance.
Came to say the same thing.
Or next year you could work a FT job and just buy the car and not take advantage of the system. Real dick move man
Lol, this is so terrible that I have a hard time believing it's not scripted. But damn either this guy typically is a call trainer or comcast has upped their commission rates!
I'm thinking this had something to do with it... The biggest difference imo between a Tesla and a combustion powered vehicle is that initial 0-30.
Jalopnik and Giz when the star system still existed. It was what addicted me to the gawkerverse and none of the kinja installments have had the same draw for me. Makes me sad that commenter's on here right now have no idea what I'm talking about, haha.