Sandra Dee

Demi Moore and Ed Helms 

Our nation’s Strategic White Female Celebrity Reserve has been contaminated with woo woo and hokum for quite some time now, so it’s not really shocking that one of them is now literally humping pseudoscience.

And Dynasty’s Sammie Jo.

Psychopaths are really having a moment right now.

I don’t understand this country. We swear up and down that we don’t tolerate bullies, liars, and thieves. Yet we want to make glorifying movies about Tonya Harding, Jordan Belfort, Henry Hill, and Anna Sorkin.

But seriously, fuck this guy.

This is the second or third story I’ve read this week about people being hospitalized over avocados.

Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

It just puzzles me. In some ways they seem like people with common sense, and they’re obviously devoted to their children (I still remember when the left the Oscars early, even though Will was nominated for “Ali,” because baby Willow was ill), but then they are so permissive with their kids. They treat them like

But, her handbags!

Clintons, you guys have a nice house in Westchester and every time you guys step out of it you make America sad. You guys are done, please just stay at home forever. For the good of the nation.

Am I the only one who did leave the house at 15 and was ready? I came from a violent, poor and abusive home. I left and never looked back. Welfare cut me a cheque and I did my best. There is nothing more sobering than having zero safety net. 

So, it just dawned on me that Willow and Jaden were named after Will and Jada and now I feel totally stupid but also... mind blown. That is some weird shit right there.

I have a kid who’s 6 months from being 18...and has no earthly clue how much the real world costs and doesn’t give a single fuck about you. Not that we haven’t tried (Oh lord, the trying has damn near killed me), but at this point Mr. Levy and I just have to be like, “He’ll learn, one way or another.”

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?” 

Isn’t it obvious she had face work done? I feel like anytime any celeb goes off the map it’s plastic surgery related, and she can’t just fuck off to Wyoming for six weeks so she’s in hiding.

Idk why this made me laugh so hard..

He looks like a Halloween mask.

  • In a horrifying interview, Virginia congressional candidate Nathan Larson, a white supremacist, also admitted that he’s a pedophile and rapist. [HuffPost]