Sandra Dee

It’s been so long, I forgot about how much I miss Denise!

As did I. An audible gasp followed by bellowing “John Goodman is NOT gross, you are!”.

Seriously. I could.not.believe it took this long to give John Goodman a star on the Walk of Fame. THE MAN IS A TREASURE!

This article hits home for me. I was paralyzed at the age of 21 in 2014, and while I’ve had a very lucky recovery, I will always face a lifetime of related medical costs. I know that there are millions of people in similar situations, and it filled me with rage to watch Paul Ryan give that fucking PowerPoint

In the Twin Cities, it eventually came out that they’d had a son who died, but it was reported that the baby was named Gregory, which must have been another bit of misdirect and an attempt to keep some of Amir’s life private.

I was interested in the symptoms of Pfeiffer syndrome so I googled it and I would not advise anyone else to do the same. There are some images of very unwell babies who may or may not be living. If you are curious I can tell you that it causes facial deformities that can range from moderate to quite severe.

John Goodman has been my celebrity crush for 20 years. I would walk right by the so-called hottest men on the planet to spend just ten minutes with him.

I had a crush on Dan Conner in middle school and high school but I never told any of my friends because I thought they would make fun of me. Screw those snobby little bitches...I have fantastic taste.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

When I can’t use a coupon I brought to the store, I tuck it into the shelf in case someone else comes by who can use it. I call myself the Coupon Fairy.

I like to think I’d do the same thing with hundred-dollar bills, but let’s be real. Someone else would be doing my grocery shopping.

And daughter Laila is also black.

True, true. Many lame-ass stories that wouldn’t pass an ordinary sniff test will pass the “I want to believe” test, ‘cause that’s a pretty low bar. And maybe he’s a good spinner and manipulator, that’s something I wouldn’t know of course.

Yes. Racial hatred isn’t merely a different opinion.

I’ve always liked Sandra Bullock but I kinda side-eyed her for marrying this guy. Not because he’s a cheating cheater, obviously that is 100% his fault, but because he’s a white supremacist.

Yep. Came here to say exactly this. Easiest comeback may be “oh you cheated on Sandra”, but I’ll stick with “oh you are that Nazi scum”.

Preach. I’m not sitting down and having my waistband hit my (rather small) tits EVER AGAIN!


...and how did we get suckered into having mom jeans again? HOW?! Has history taught us nothing?

Nothing, but I certainly have something against dudes that say shit like this: “”Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism.” and “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”