Sandra Dee

@applejuice: Right. In our area Planned Parenthoods only go to 16 weeks. Anything beyond that and you are looking at a private provider who charges 5 grand.

OK- You missed the boat here in asking them who would be financing their 20 week abortion. This AB would cost over $1000 dollars depending on where they got it done. They are full of shit.

Eric Bana. Sexy + Australian accent= total sex god.

@JaneGalaxy: Darn. Unfortunately not the same thing. I'd try them out but they are "treated" with something to stop itching.

I still wish for my fave InSync miniforms to come back on the

Oh my goodness. LOVE. My Dad got to take him to dinner once when he did an appearance at a local event. He said he was super nice.

I'm quite sure I would not be able to talk my 4yr old girl or 7 year old boy into wearing any of this. At their ages they have their own fashion sense and it does not lean towards yellow wellies and sailor jackets.

My Facebook profile says "I care deeply about people and animals but don't enjoy hugs." Yeah, don't touch me.

I think my ovaries just burst.

Thank you Jamie Lee for letting your hair go gray and not fucking with your face. You are all the more beautiful for it.

All I see is lots of gorgeous models. I liked the colors in the clothing, too. B+ in my book.

See? I really eat ice cream! I don't starve myself! Really!

Oh my goodness those short are so fug. Even on such a beautiful woman. High waist! Aggressive pleats! Rolled legs!

@pseudopersona: The inside of my dog's ears smell like oatmeal. If she is goofy, she's my kind of goofy.

@isacloud: J. Crew isn't for you if you have any curves. At all.

Maybe our obsession about "who is gay" is really just a hunt for authenticity in our lives. That, and if everyone who is in the closet would just come out already, we would REALLY see that being GLBT is everyday, normal, and not worth gossping about.

I live in a part of the country where Jackson Browne songs are played over and over. They make me cringe, not just because of his history with Daryl but it is just BAD music.

I just cannot reconcile this version of J.Crew from the simple and well made clothes I bought from them in my youth.