Vincent Brown

Trust me, in the Charlotte area, it’s relatively easy to get a house for cheaper than $2,600/month.

So, they evicted her simply because she’s black?

Hey, Black America! Where’s the outrage when black folks do the same thing out of hatred for white folks? (Ahem! Darrell Brooks, Colin Ferguson, Frank James)

I wonder if Queen Obama knows that Planned Parenthood was created in order to eliminate the black race, among its other objectives.

Name one.

Just like they do with other shooting suspects.

Just like Frank James, Timothy Simpkins, Colin Ferguson, and Darrell Brooks.

And black folks will still cry about injustice. This won’t make them happy.

Woo-hoo! A black woman has been nominated for SCOTUS! Now what?

Two years too long. She shouldn’t have gotten a day in prison. Here’s a question to the Apostles of Blackness: Would you feel the same way if Potter were black and Wright were white?

The Cream of Wheat Chef; Uncle Ben; Aunt Jemima; the Land o’ Lakes woman; the Washington Redskin... all removed. The Woke Crowd - doing the job white supremacists could only dream of.

Good! We never needed it in the first place. Maybe now we’ll be able to be more innovative without receiving a hand-up from the government.

Why not? As if Democrats have a monopoly on diversity. Historically, the donkeys have been the racist ones, not the Republicans.

Be honest, you all would be all over this if Trump were in her place.

Was it because he was black?

But no mention of the black female officer who was murdered by two black thugs.

Folks are still obsessed with “white supremacy” which is largely nonexistent. I hope you guys make a resolution to finally tell the truth.

Really? It’s the white man’s fault you can’t swim? I learned how to swim in the 1970s. How did that happen? My parents took me to swim classes! I wasn’t kicked out of the pool and we had white kids and black kids in the same class. My goodness, stop gnawing on that old bone!

That’s not an answer. If you don’t have a response, just say so.

Folks like this dude (RadicalIntelligence, lol! That’s got to be a misnomer, but I digress) only like to use bullying tactics and resort to character assassinations because they can’t answer simple questions and don’t know how to engage in a decent conversation. Seems like The Root is overrun by these kinds of