
Um, Is it just me or does he look like Hitler in blackface?

You thought the writers at The Root were actually gonna sit down and talk to these shufflin negroes?

Then you deny it happened when they regain conciousness and get upset, there was no tube sock with wood screws, they did it to themselves, they are just anti tube sock with wood screws and made it up, they are faking being injured, etc...

I live in the DC/MD suburbs and we have a guy who drives around my part of the county with a big “Stars and Bars” in tow. We are literally the blackest part of the county and folks basically treat him like the plague.

Ah yes, the fragile flower of white womanhood needs to be protected. I will never forgive her for using the racism of America in the Kanye situation. She knew that as a white blue eyed blonde she would be believed over a black man with a negative reputation.

This will almost certainly be dismissed and that’s surely a good thing for freedom of speech reasons. But I have zero sympathy for the site. Those rumors were reckless and based on nothing. Its Britney Spears fanfiction. And they never claimed to have facts but they knew a lot of people took it as genuine. 

The impression I get was that Smollett wasn’t going to report it at all. He was just going to call his manager/agent and tell people at work, and hope the story took off from there. However, when he called his manager, he showed up and then insisted on calling the police, and from there it all spiraled out of his

I LOVE when you get people who go into full spittle-spray anger over Beyonce and start regurgitating everything she’s ever done “wrong” and losing their equilibrium over her fans, which to them is anyone who even says a mildly complimentary thing about the woman and/or her music.

Can we do without rich, white, straight, overprivileged women as well? 

I was lent the book by a microbiologist friend.

Jussie double/tripling down on his original story just shows he doesn’t give one single fuck about the path of destruction he’s left behind and the people’s lives he’s shitting on after his bogus hoax backfired on him. Kim Foxx i’m sure was instructed by powers above her to let this go and the brothers who Jussie

The best thing that happened to youre people is slavery. That’s the last time you were good for anything.

fixed the headline for you.

First of all, the K family’s all out assault on Jordyn is gross. Second of all, Khloe hooked up with James while he was still dating her alleged friend Trina. Alls fair in love in war until the Ks get burned. Then they become vindictive. 

Jesus, Kelly. Watch your fucking language. Motherfucking children could be reading this shit. Do you want to be responsible for some little asshole to repeat these vile words to their bitch moms and asshole dads? Fucking-a, Kelly.

I can’t even post my favorite gif because then I’ll be hounded by trolls all day because they don’t have valentines

The fact that Eve and especially Missy Elliott never won in the Best Rap Album category and Cardi B did is a travesty. Cardi B is a shit rapper and an even shittier person.

Considering Michelle Williams was named after a member of Destiny’s Child it seems like she ought to follow their careers more closely