
I saw this on reddit. Part of his plea deal was that some of the autopsy reports were sealed, especially Bella’s. She was alive, but unconscious when he put her into the tank. Her tank was mostly empty (CC’s was mostly full), and she ended up with broken bones, either from the fall into the tank or when he put her in.

I think the problem is that she was in her late 20s when she filmed that scene with the 11 year old actor in the move Mid90s.

He was speficially mentioning race.

She would routinely do interviews with Jet and Ebony talking about being black. She talked about it all the time. 

Fine. Then cancel this asshole for being a colorist and misogynist.

Nick Cannon has always been a POS. He once said that the emergency contraceptive pill Ella works like a homemade abortion and women who take it are whores.

Q-Anon post suggesting that the coronavirus pandemic was a cover for Trump to break up the so-called “Deep State” of corporations, financiers, media conglomerates and Satan-worshipping child molesters fighting against him.

Why only mention Beyonce?  Madonna, Rihanna, J Cole, Nicki Minaj and other’s are also part owners of Tidal.  What have they been doing?

I have a problem with the fact that there was zero push back from the interviewer on the bullshit Kanye was spewing. 

I’m pretty sure Ariana was only included so as to not be so obviously racist.

The Blue Ivy video is from last year, Tina just reposted it. I remember people in the comments were calling Blue rude and Beyonce a shitty parent for raising a rude child.

It wasn’t a hit and run, though. She somehow lost control of her car and was swerving, hit a curb, and then went into oncoming traffic, where she hit another car head on. The driver of the other car sustained minor injuries and stayed on the scene. The hit and run story is a fabrication.

His fiance.  And she’s 21.  I’d post a picture from her IG or Youtube page, but she put her social media pages to private when people started dragging her in the comments sections.

Mariah’s been a fan of the guy for years.  They don’t care.

You guys are way behind.  Teddy backed out because he wanted to charge people.  It’s why he’s mentioning that other service.  Swizz already put him on blast, and this battle with Babyface is not going to happen.

Every performance was pre-taped.  Non of it was live.

LA Weekly thinks differently.

No one forced her to sign a contract and it’s on her/her people to read the dam thing before signing it. Did she not have anyone look it over?

Non-problematic? He was slanging his dick left and right and got one of his side chicks pregnant. And when that came out, he and Gabby concocted that bullshit story that they were on a break at that time.