Sandra Dee Lee

The one where the house is ransacked and Calvin freaks the fuck out because he left Hobbes home.

I have one of the last comics still taped to my wall (yes, I'm that old, no I don't care as much as I should). It's not my favorite (Calvin flushed something down the toilet and now the plumber is there and soon both him & Calvin's mom will be angry at him) but at the ripe age of 10, I knew enough to know that my


It wasn't explained in the movie that it's an actual thing and you know most people going into to see the movie with no prior knowledge (which could be a large chunk of people) are tots excite~ for thoughts of Team Jacob esq things. That's why it's in the 'might make someone go see this' pile o' spoilers

SPOILERS, GLORIOUS SPOILERS THAT MIGHT MAKE SOMEONE GO SEE THIS AWESOME MOVIE: They were completely exonerated because they had already "served their time" PLUS had to agree that the serial killer was tots because going to a german work camp MADE HIM A WEREWOLF. Khrushchev time was best time.

when I read the blurb about this episode, I said, "oh jesus. I watch this show with my mom. There's no way she's going to like or understand what's happening." I was right. Dear god. Was I right. =/

I greatly enjoyed the book (bringing it up because all the other comments did not) but I love vampire mythology and AU historical things. That being said jesus fucking christo was the book miles (even 3 Mile Island levels) ahead of that movie. I was so, so, so, so angry at how bad such a pretty decent book ended up

Neil Gaiman gets them sometimes. My favorite was the Polish version for the Anansi Boys book. It was so weird.

Grimm is just so terrible. I can't stand any of the actors (even My Most Precious Wu is turning into a dumbass) nor how badly most of them are written (that magical problem where even I, the jaded TV person can't just blame 'terrible writing' when the actors also don't even give a fuck. Heroes' last season was

I feel this way about the Goo Goo Dolls. The whole "been there since the beginning, what the shit is this new stuff?" and it wasn't until I "followed" them for three shows (two local ones but one in the middle of nowhere PA) that I realized holy shit, this band has sucked my life away but gave me life when I needed

I know that's why *I* still tuned in (when I could find it/remember which channel TNT is)

what about rizzoli & isles? they go hard with the italian heritage but outside of Rizzoli's really stupid brother with the Ben Affleck accent (you know which one I mean) & the theme song being The Most Famous Dropkick Murphy's song, they don't seem to go crazy.

Investigate with stronger alcohol next time! Fun for all…

I preface this by stating that I loved the George Lopez show at the time (but I haven't gone back to rewatch it to see if it was as horrible as everyone says it was), possibly just because I was glad to see Spanish (even if they weren't of my variety) people on TV (it's ok. I got sofia vergara now and that's like

Even though it was possibly in the trailer for the season, the scene in the bank cracked me up.

You laughed at the lima beans — I laughed super hard at Big Jim stabbing Dwight CRAZY EYES Yoakam to death because before he even said it, I knew that would mean HEAVEN 4 THE TWO LOVERS and just how funny it'll be when Junior's pissed at his dad and tells him next week (shhh, I'm a week behind) or next season.

The uniform must be ok enough for corpse Melanie to be all over that. Could you imagine how much sex they'd make that poor girl have if this wasn't a "wholesome" "family" channel like CBS. "SHE KISSED JOE! NOW SHE CUDDLES WITH (CREEPY DRUNK ON POWER QUASI-RAPIST JUNIOR would totally be some GoT shit anywhere else)

Whether you give a fuck about him or not, you can't go around saying that he's a shitty singer/person because of OH GOD SCARY MORMONS~~~ when he is not one. That's some bush league stuff.

That's how I felt (feel. Feel and it's been like 20 years) about The Wallflowers and their first album and then the subsequent 'what the fuck pop shit is this' and then whatever the hell batshit crazy 'you turned in your FATHER, JAKOB' crap that the jakob dylan solo work is.

Levine got in trouble for making a "magic underwear" joke in regards to Romney's Mormonism. Are you sure you aren't confusing him with the dude from Neon Trees? (also, his name is LEVINE, uhhhhh)