"I don't trust you not because you are a woman. It's because you think you are smarter than you really are."
"I don't trust you not because you are a woman. It's because you think you are smarter than you really are."
Range and shooting up against gravity. It's a surprise that it got into Drogon at all. Would have been funny if it had the same effect as the arrows at that altitude.
That dragon skull got hit horizontally a few feet away. An arrow shot up loses energy very, very quickly. By the time it gets that high it's going rather slowly (g = 9.8m/s2 and all that).
Drogon will fish him out.
The were Rickon followers. Run but never zig zag.
Is that what they say about a man with really big armor and a tiny head?
"You need to see a Maester about that dryness."
The Kings is dead. Long live the King.
Oh, that doesn't work with the white walkers.
Hey, In Prometheus a whole team of stupid "scientists" took off for another planet based on even shittier drawings.
Easy, don't give him like three or four super narrow escapes in a row.
Well, the revenge seeking ruthless assassin is now Arya.
This is the End.
My only Friend, The End.
I've been drunk since Friday. Burp!
Jaime just wanted to impale Dany with his lance.
I thought so too.
Him and Bronn escaped super hot flames just inches away. Bronn, twice!
Hey, Dickon. Why do you have such a big body but such a little head?
The children of the forest are badly outclassed by our own Altamira and Lascaux cave painters. Way outclassed!
Is it just me or doesn't Dickon look like a guy with a huge body and a little head? No one else wearing armor looks like that.
It's his freaking aunt! I know the Targaryen were into that sort of thing but Jon was raised differently.