
"I don't trust you not because you are a woman. It's because you think you are smarter than you really are."

Range and shooting up against gravity. It's a surprise that it got into Drogon at all. Would have been funny if it had the same effect as the arrows at that altitude.

That dragon skull got hit horizontally a few feet away. An arrow shot up loses energy very, very quickly. By the time it gets that high it's going rather slowly (g = 9.8m/s2 and all that).

Drogon will fish him out.

The were Rickon followers. Run but never zig zag.

Is that what they say about a man with really big armor and a tiny head?

"You need to see a Maester about that dryness."

The Kings is dead. Long live the King.
Oh, that doesn't work with the white walkers.

Hey, In Prometheus a whole team of stupid "scientists" took off for another planet based on even shittier drawings.

Easy, don't give him like three or four super narrow escapes in a row.

Well, the revenge seeking ruthless assassin is now Arya.

I've been drunk since Friday. Burp!

Jaime just wanted to impale Dany with his lance.

I thought so too.

Him and Bronn escaped super hot flames just inches away. Bronn, twice!

Hey, Dickon. Why do you have such a big body but such a little head?

The children of the forest are badly outclassed by our own Altamira and Lascaux cave painters. Way outclassed!

Is it just me or doesn't Dickon look like a guy with a huge body and a little head? No one else wearing armor looks like that.

It's his freaking aunt! I know the Targaryen were into that sort of thing but Jon was raised differently.