
Olivia de Havilland just sued the producers of Feud for misrepresenting her in the show. She just turned 101!

Banged Britta? What show?

Perhaps it is the trope of the struggling actress that is becoming over used, as in LaLaLand. It is just as hard for any young male actor to get a role when the competition is so fierce (more roles but way more candidates).

The thought is universal, isn't it?

Oh, I was paying attention. Go ahead. Do a search of paid v. payed. Pick the one you like.

Unless Stanford has a surplus of traditionally furnished wood paneled offices, I don't see how Big Head got one. Whenever one of those is available by retirement, the next guy on the list gets it.

There's a Spanish saying, "Don't confuse shit with vaseline."

Well, their IQ is that of a 2 year old human.

Not just tear off genitals, they'll bite off your face. They'll do that to any chimp that's not of their tribe too. They've also been filmed hunting monkeys and tearing them apart.

Such chivalry!

When is the Nobel committee swallow its touchy feely sensitivity and give McCarthy his well deserved Nobel prize for literature?

Since Mr. Wrench was shooting at point blank range and to the back of the head, he could have just used a less than supersonic cartridge with a suppressor or just forget about gunpowder at all and just shoot Emitt with CO2 gun with an oversized bb.

Putting a stamp on his forehead? You are there! Wait until he wakes up and kill him in his house, if killing him is what you want to do.

The security standard today is to ring the alarm and wait. Much safer.

Security systems that don't use simple infrared whole room detectors but rely on super complicated floor weight sensors or laser beams and electric eye technology that was last used in the 1970s. They also, invariably, place the laser beams far enough apart that a contortionist (preferably as good looking as Catherine

"Silencers don't silence pistols."
You beat me to it.

The ending of True Grit was not very satisfying either.

"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell, 1984

You got to see her naked, though.