Now that's just weird! My Tuxedo would not leave me alone while I was watching; jumping on the coffee table and standing like a statue to block the screen. Her name is "Puka", which is a type of Celtic forest fairy (not the Disnefied kind); appropriate for the first scene.
Freaking goats and their creepy human-like braying. It sounded like it was yelling, "Help me!"
He was even still wearing his very recognizable fringe leather jacket!
Wow! Just, wow.
Malvo took a shit with the door open to show his utter contempt for someone else. I first saw that in Samuel L. Jackson's remake of Shaft.
Sliced in between the vertebrae? Path of least resistance.
"Funny" thing is that massacres like that are almost commonplace in today's Mexico (a teenage party attacked with machine guns, 49 college students made to disappear at the orders of a small town mayor, cops, judges, newsmen murdered, etc.). The closest we've come in the US to that sort of thing is saint Bernardino…
Hector abused the twins as kids into becoming sociopaths. Although since that kind of behavior seems to run in the family, they are all psychopaths.
I meant most male kids.
They make for good stew.
Nora really wasted so many years of her and Kevin's life. They didn't need to be paradise, they would have been messy and with many mistakes but they would have been shared and lived together.
Yet another inconsistency that shows that Nora was lying.
Holding back the years
Chance for me to escape from all I've known
Holding back the tears
Cause nothing here has grown
I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could yeah
Naah! It's like watching True Detective season 1 and then watching season 2. There's a decline in the quality of the writing for the characters. Like the writer is trying too hard.
The show is doubling down on the "unfathomable pinheadery" theme.
The line is "Putting out the fire with gasoline"
No, a "Shelley Long". Leaving Cheers to concentrate on her movie career was such a bad decision that she became the epitome of "what the hell were you thinking?" before Jay Leno asked it of Hugh Grant.
To repeat, what makes a child actor cute, all the chubbiness, really works against the grown up man. The kid from "A Christmas Story" and the demigod of child actors, Kurt Rusell, seem to be the only exceptions.