Samurai Jackass

Ansel. He's so hot right now.

Bless you.

Ansel. He's so hot right now.

I remember there was a commenter who said something like "stop trying to make chance the rapper a thing" and it was one of the top rated comments so.. yeah.

Omg yes. That's it. Must be a regional thing as they're both from Minnesota.

Who does he sound like there? Christopher Walken? It's bothering me.

Someone should've told her that was unnecessary. You don't need the same drums to play that beat, Demi darling.

Jared. Nice. Using that dick.

After today, it's going to be that PWR BTTM album for a lot of people, eh?


There's a version where he sings it himself and it just doesn't work for some reason.

I'm on Time Travelers right now. I'm actually enjoying the movie itself and don't think it's that bad. Anyone agree? I think there are some interesting concepts and cool practical effects in it.


Hmmm.. even though I'm a bigger Blur fan I would actually switch that around and say it's Oasis who were better pop songwriters and Blur who were better instrumentalists. Hell, Graham Coxon is a beast on guitar, even Noel's acknowledged it. And Blur modeled themselves on the Kinks early on as well.

Wait, you missed one.

Definitely. I can't think of any other album that's excellent from start to finish without a single weak track.

I'm listening to 'Ziggy Stardust' as I type this. I pretty much listen to it from beginning to end every few months. And of course, I always sing along quite loudly. I've almost memorized it. Only 'It Ain't Easy' is difficult to sing as Bowie sings that one in quite a high register, which is alright with me as its

That's a double whammy!

"I struggle with … sex"