
Of fucking course Kotaku and its regressive,anti-gamer,SJW, triggered Tumbltards wouldn’t like this game. What a surprise but I do love how the Huniepot devs told you all to fuck off when you harassed them and tried to make them look bad. Go ahead and block my comment again Kotaku, we all know real gamers don’t take

It could be that you’re being petty about a game and the fact that you’re mad people are responding. I didn’t know you wrote this a year ago. I had no idea. This article was was at the top of the list and I clicked and read the comments. I assume others didn’t know you wrote it a year ago and you’re mad that people

So complaining about a shoe-horned narrative and political agenda being forced down gamers throats makes them anti-LGBTQ? Amazing logic there.”If you disagree w/us you’re a racist,homophobe,sexist,etc. a$$hole” Yeah, that’s SJWs in a nutshell and why no one is the gaming community takes Kotaku and their ilk seriously

It’s funny you say this to my side of the argument but not on the “triggered/fake gamer/regressive/safe space/Tumbltard/SocialJusticeWeasel” side and I presume,since you so eloquently put it, that it’s ironic no?? I wonder whose side you fall on.

I just find it hilarious that automatically, gamers who don’t like being force fed politically driven narratives in games and complain about they’re automatically labeled “racists, homo-phobes, sexist etc.” Good job pushing that narrative though Kotaku! You’re so good at yellow journalism and being anti-gamer that

So I guess giving an SJW a dose of their own medicine is wrong then huh? Since Kotaku is filled w/them. They can get away with it but someone else can’t. I get it. You’re all hypocrites right? Lol. Figures as much

What’s ironic about my post there chief?

Man you’re a retarded SJW. All you can do is insult everyone who doesn’t feel the same way as you. I bet you’re not even a gamer. You just love visiting SJW sites like Kotaku. Please kill yourself

How bout Social justice Weasels cuz that’s what you all are tbh

Again, since Kotaku is so fond of censorship, my comment will probably get deleted but hey I’m going to try anyways, shoehorning SJW ideas in games is a bad move. It will just push actual gamers away who are sick of feminist/SJW agendas being forced into their games and will move on and find other games that are not

So because he disagrees w/you he’s a bigot. That’s the SJW rhetoric in a nutshell folks! You people are cancer. Please leave gaming

You’re in the minority then. Most of the community feels either the 1st Dark Souls or Demon Souls were the better games(including me). I hated Dark Souls 2. It had horrible level design, F**KING SOUL MEMORY, was made by the B team w/Miyazaki being made to give advice, healing items were way too abundant(do we really

Is it available for the console versions anyone know?

I don’t think Kotaku’s tiny balls could be further down your throat. Kotaku is literally the worst place for so called game journalists(can we even call these assholes that?)and I love how Bethesda and Ubisoft basically called out these anti-gamer SJW pricks and their insipid bullshit. If you’re going to defend these

If you take time to check out some of the chalice dungeons you can get more. I love the CD’s.

If you get triggered by video games then you shouldn’t be playing them. I am a former Marine who served 3 tours and video games calm me down. i agree though. The so-called SJW “gamers” who go on witch-hunts and are easily offended should really focus all their energy on real world matters and not something as trivial

I think Kotaku is the same way lol.

It’s insane the amount of idiots believe that and call others pedos. They should be banned from the internet w/that type of stupidity

I didn’t mean to single you out. I was generalizing about people who’d rather see it censored. I should’ve clarified that more so than I did and that’s on me. Also I said you had every right to be offended and again I was generalizing and for your last point of course I’ve watched movies, read books and played games

No one said you can’t be offended. It’s your right to be offended by whatever you want(even something as meaningless as a costume for a fictional character). But when your offense goes to the point of having to/or wanting to censor parts of the game to appease you(and a very vocal but small minority) and thus screwing