Samurai I-am-awry

Exciting! I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. I love Chrome, and as such have been really interested to see this supposed 'Chrome OS.'

It would be cool to be able to have "interviews" with various celebrities/ news people/ politicians etc. This would be a cool medium for that, although I wonder if someone so famous (politician perhaps?) would even bother answering half the questions that get thrown in there.

I do love the form factor of this thing, more so than its 13 inch counterpart. Although as someone who is editing raw photos quite frequently, sometimes several at once, I may have to sight my sights higher up the spec-chain.

Haha A chemistry professor I had did a similar thing one year. She and several of her TAs, put on a little performance at the front of the lecture room - costumes and everything! - demonstrating various chemistry topics. It was a pretty good time.

That is awesome. One of my good friends growing up was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy at an early age. Aside from watching his progression from being able to running around outside together, to not even being able to lift a fork to his own mouth, it was hard growing up and realizing how much it costs to

Someone please enlighten me, as someone who isn't very knowledgeable about the nitty-gritty of software licensing etc., how the iPhone app is any different from the iPad app in this context? That is, why pull the iPhone version, but not the iPad version from the app store?

I have to wonder how much this cost to make. In any event though, I want to be this guy's friend.

On one hand, this is a neat way to bring people into your church. On the other hand, it seems very easy for the actual message to get lost in all of the theatrics.

@Curves: You're a rare breed here on the Internet: Actually Christian and not up in everyone's face about it. I respect that (and like to think I'm cut from a similar cloth)

@dufus: While I agree that it's a bit ridiculous for a church to contain a Starbucks, I do fell obligated to point out that the story in John 2 that you reference isn't super applicable to this situation.

I'm not jealous of people with new aperture ring-less lenses

Hey I've taken a nap in an American Ikea before. No big deal. Beds are beds, and those stores are massive enough that it'll take a while for an employee to come yell at you.

@Se7en_speed: lol oops. Hey, I may contain enough information on my own to be considered my own university. And, what with me being in Leeds and all, it's fair to say that I am a Leeds University.

No way, I'm a Leeds University right now!

Oh fantastic with the Nook Kids addition. I wouldn't want to have to waste time with my children reading to them, when I can have this nice slab do it for me!

Boooo. B&N, why would I buy an ereader with a backlit display? I feel like that defeats the purpose. :(I am sad

That is one sexy tombstone. Personally I've always wanted a blank one, just to keep people guessing. Or perhaps one that is roughly person-height which says 'here lies' then has a mirror beneath it.

@Squalor: You fool! My Diamondillium is far superior

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: It just makes it that much more difficult when it comes time to eat them...