
Not payin' attention, he steps on a lego brick....the kid just rages for a while.

Someone on Imgur did this also, and they showed that a very flexible woman (Like a super hero) could easily do that pose.

And they're all right-side-up when you're playing!

It hurts.

What kind of a lunatic needs all this at launch? Just chill out and enjoy the freaking game and buy the extra crap later on for a couple of bucks. This is such a non-issue for 99.99% of gamers, and that .01% has issues.

How to draw generic characters 101.

Here's a much better attempt by artist bloochikin on deviant art. Hers actually manages to keep the fun and off kilter personalities of the characters instead of turning them into generic and bland fashion models.

hahaha Chawizawd.

Maybe this could help you understand

So Activision and EA isnt on the same Path? Can't forget MS with it's constant Halo rehashes and Sony with it's Killzone series...