
One of the best was definetly Metroid Prime , because I didn’t ask for I didn’t knew what it was didn’t understand it at first, but man did I love all of it and what it follow

is “official” so that increases the price for just having the pokemon company logo

Yeah and in the movie she is not fighting a diablos with this blades, she is fighting a gore magala

The only defense i’ll give to this movie is: As I saw the trailer there’s a head of a monster that looks like a Gore Magala when she has the fire balades and cut through it, and this monster IS weak against fire.

probably a saw it to, at least there’s a gore magala fight

I’m good with the size as long as it doesn’t sound like a jet about to go off below my tv

but there’s little thing that bother me like the hair, it always has like an OCD, and this fixed it and i love it

they’re going to have different outfit, in the gameplay trailer robin’s outfit is very different from the trailer

Townscaper is really mindless fun just go with the flow and start adding blocks and good loocking things can happen.

On another note, it looks like I always forget how bad the previous generation looked, I returned to new leaf to check some designs I made, and man does it look bad now.

it looks like a lot of cheap stickers 

Finally someone with good taste, origins was so bad at one point I just quit and automatically delete it from my ps4.  I played uncharted 4 after that, this game had better climbing, surprisingly better stealth, better fighting mechanics it was like taking a hot shower after the cold one that was origins.

me to, I bought headphones for the ps4, and I’m not used to them so some minutes later I asked myself “why did I buy this again?”. I took them off and the sound of the ps4 hit me like a jet. I like my headphones now.

Like always nintendo have no idea how to deal with things like this (DLC, online stuff in general), I believe the solution was really easy, buy expansion pass and activate it with the game running, so it will detect what version you are using it for. But no! nintendo and pokemon company rule is make games that hold

It looks like they are using the Shulk Smash model and just adapt everyone else to that, i’m ok with this.

I think she is just mad because someone gave her a 7 in the game XD.

nope you are not the only one

this shouldn’t be considered a game, as I’m writing this, the “game” is playing it self I’m level 15 and I have done NOTHING, just let the AI decide what to do even chose the character to play the level. OH look at that I won and have no idea why.

YES, I didn’t thought it was that bad, but yeah is awful compared to this one, I’ll go and see it just because of the effort.

Once I logged in i was able to buy it

Once I logged in i was able to buy it