
Resident of Indiana. Not only have I never heard of any of these things, I don’t believe that any of them are real. A TV show that runs for more than a decade should make SOME kind of mark on broader culture; my community makes sure I know the name of every fifth tier Right Wing Nutjob with an AM Radio show, but the

There is a podcast called Path of Night that just finished up a “short” ~24 hour season called “Forgetting Ashville” that uses a combination of Werewolf, Geist and Changeling player characters. No Hunters, but one of the interesting aspects to the game is that even the players have very little familiarity with the

There is no world where I’m willing to forgive the loss of Google Play Music for the bullshittery that is Youtube Music, which could not match 88% of the tracks on my account to anything that was on Youtube. That means using ad blocking and sponsor blocking on computers and clients that have those features in place by

Jewel’s stores have low ceilings and tungsten-tinged lighting, at least from the locations I’m familiar with in Northwest Indiana and throughout Illinois. They all seem dirty and cramped, although that’s probably more because of the lighting than anything else. Jewel is also consistently the most expensive grocery

I’m pretty sure I played through DA:O at least 10 times. I know I did each of the starting paths once, and I did one totally OP power-gamer play through where I did every possible thing to min-max my party, which was a lot more fun after my fifth or sixth time through than I would’ve guessed. I have no idea how many

It’s my observation that Chicago-area restaurants that attempt to go national are very often worse the farther the franchise is from Chicago. Every example I can think of it related to a deep dish pizza, so I hope Portillo’s avoids this fate.

I lost about 160lbs about 10 years ago and when I was being super serious about my diet, McDonald’s was the one place I knew I could get fast food that wouldn’t screw me over. Baked Chicken salads and oatmeal got me through a fuckton of road trips and lunches on days I forgot to grab a protein bar.

When I found out that Valorant put what amounts to a rootkit on my PC in the name of whatever bullshit anti-cheat service it thinks players should have, I wiped and reloaded from backups. I’m not big on multiplayer shooters, just wanted to play a friendly game with my friend. Now I do research regarding what copy

My issue with Stray on PC is that the camera drifts. It doesn’t stay where I put it. Sounds like a problem with my input device, right? Except that my trackball doesn’t exhibit that behavior anywhere else. Zero other places, in fact. Just in Stray. Is it a weird interaction with a Logitech M575? I don’t know. I’m not

I buy a lot of inexpensive Android devices to give away to friends with kids, and to Amazon’s credit, Fire tablets have great screens compared to other budget devices. I will say though, that more-than-2GB RAM is a very notable improvement. I won’t even touch devices with less than 2GB, but the irritation that comes

Bethesda releases buggy alpha-grade garbage with the expectation that modders will fix everything. Why not skip the middleman and just give the design docs to a promising set of modders along with whatever the current game engine is called and fuck off to count the money they make for the studio. Three years later,

I spent an amount of money that could’ve paid for a home in the midwestern US trying to find a decent therapist. I don’t believe they exist. On the occasions when one is willing to admit their approach isn’t working, the only thing they really do is refer you to a different therapist. Presumably so you can make’s choco is an open source solution that supports something over 5,000 applications. It’s been around a lot longer than any of the other Windows package managers and it does have a supported GUI component. I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned, because at the very least its library is considerably larger

I’ll give the nod to anything that supports Kodi (i.e. everything that isn’t a Roku) for best sound support, at least insofar as Kodi will pass through everything without exception to a receiver that can deal with whatever input it’s been given, up to and including those 7.2.2 TrueHD audio tracks that source from

Yeah but then you have to use Roku’s software, which I’ve found to be sluggish even on the fastest models, and disagreeable to viewing locally available content. Not everyone wants to run Plex or Emby  just to play videos they already have. Roku also has pretty poor support for high resolution sound, which is

Sam’s Club hot dogs are the same $1.50 with a soda, and Sam’s club has more variety in its pizzas. Costco, at least among the locations I’ve visited, only has cheese and pepperoni. Sam’s will usually have four or five topping choices, including one that has actual veggies on it.

I have a genetic condition called Klinefelter’s Syndrome. I’m technically intersexed, albeit in a way that doesn’t make all that much difference to my outward appearance. In my case, I didn’t get the hormone treatments that probably would’ve made me a more masculine person, but I think that in the rush to prevent

Having recently owned a Garmin smartwatch, I’d like to offer a counterpoint: YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE FONT SIZE ON GARMIN WATCHES.

Having recently owned a Garmin smartwatch, I’d like to offer a counterpoint: YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE FONT SIZE ON

Cheap is sometimes fine. There are plenty of perfectly competent tablets, smart watches and bluetooth speakers out there. Some people just want a basic TV, find that they can get away with a $200 Chromebook and don’t care that their phone doesn’t have NFC, wireless charging or half a terabyte of internal storage.

Or abandon it completely and use one of the things that already interoperates across all platforms. There’s no reason to talk about or look at the Apple-exclusive thing, because it’s deliberately exclusive.