It got me with hitting the x. Then about an hour later while i was half way through a movie my computer updated with no option to cancel it
It got me with hitting the x. Then about an hour later while i was half way through a movie my computer updated with no option to cancel it
Its amazing how the message of love preached over in over in the church turns in to hate so easily. I don’t practice any religion, but I remember very clearly from when I was growing up in a religious home that Jesus said to love your enemies. How do you go from your God telling to love your enemies, to your god…
Shun 4", the first one that I bought that i liked. Dulls quick but takes an edge with about 5 sec of a steel. Seriously sharp once you do a quick sharpening.
Shun 4", the first one that I bought that i liked. Dulls quick but takes an edge with about 5 sec of a steel.…
Technically an olive branch is a stick.
Where were the adults? I’m not trying to troll or anything, but in my neigborhood we have no sidewalks like I grew up with in MI. The kids are always in the street playing, and I adults are rarely around. I don’t know the exacts of this kids unfortunate passing. Where I live though, some mothers treat the road like…
Just send a ziploc full of cum. A cheap one too so that it leaks when they handle it. Cheaper than a dildo. Just sayin
Just so you know, goats can be used as lawn mowers if you put invisible fence collars on them. They will learn. Or become Gyros.
We’ve been using corn starch when we make it, the part I can’t seem to ever get down is how to make the egg turn out in those wide thin ribbons. It allways ends up in little shreds. Am I stiring it too fast or something?
Jokes on you. I bought both, and love them equally.
When i was a kid we used to throw the nes controller when we got frustrated. They were durable. I wonder how many expensive wiiu controllers have been broken by mario maker tantrums.
The guy taking the video seriously needs to have his lungs checked out
A reboot with both of those two on skinamax would prolly do pretty well. Lucy already went down that road with Spartacus, we only need Renee now. You could call it Xena warrior milf, hell while your at it get Kevin Sorbo, he’s probably desperate about now. Just sayin ;)
I love my vita. I wish I had more content I had access to though.
Best anime in years. Has any show gotten as high votes by your reader polls before?
My brother used to work for mcfarlane. Around the time that the spawn movie came out way back. He gave me a few spawn figures for christmas and dumb ass young me opened all but one of them. Now all I got is the stupid spawn in an aquarium with a bunch of bat looking things. Hey thanks for bringing up my childhood ass…
As someone that has struggled with my wife to create a baby, I answer your question with a solid No. I would love to adopt any healthy child, but one that is so soundly screwed for life, I simply feel sorry for. I’m also the dick that would ask my wife to abort a down syndrome baby to so maybe I’m just an ass. sorry
Pressure cooker is still supreme in the EZ peel egg market. Its more work to cook but they are exactly the same every time and the shell slides off of them so easily. It is the only way I’ve ever found that you can peel a fresh egg.
I’m so confused. This seems like I’m looking at childish posts from some jackass that just wants attention.
Fact 1. This is a Christian doin terrorism.
A big ass electric smoker. Then on top of that a cold smoke unit so that I can smoke cheese. Ugh.