Sam TV

I disagree with your first sentence. There have been some great episodes, which may not have been as good as the pilot, but were still pretty damn great.
It's just a shame that 95% of the show is pretty crappy and while I personally still watch it, I understand that many people don't want to watch it just for the 5%

I never laugh at comedies, even though I really like them. Those paintings were the first time I laughed out loud at something in a long time.
I also need more Liz, she is not getting nearly enough screen time.

I was afraid that they stopped the reviews of this show again, but without telling.
I also loved this episode.
Those monster suits looked fantastic and high quality, I assumed the show was pretty low budget, so it surprised me.
Lucy/Katie is indeed a fantastic addition to this show, altough her addition makes this

I feel kinda bad for her because of the reputation she has. Her other work is pretty good and uses more facial expressions.

How is that relevant to this show?

I'm pretty amazed by how some users on this website manage to mention Trump in their comments, even when there is no direct relevance in either the parent comment or article.
This may not be the correct place to voice my thoughts, but as a non American on this website I'm getting kinda tired of comments and even

Highly doubt it, do you really think it has more viewers than House of Cards and Orange is the new Black? The shows that put Netflix on the map? Or more viewers than Stranger Things which was the hit of the summer?

Exactly, every year has it's ups and downs, sadly many icons start dying because of old age.

One of the better (half) season finales they've done. I am quite impressed by how little the story progressed though in 8 episodes. I am also surprised with the amount of people still watching in these comments, for me personally the show is good enough for some Monday night television watching.

Seemed like a reference to the final shot of last season where the characters were waiting for Negan to kill someone with Lucille.

Hey, I'm actually a huge fan of Arno….. Oh boy his political views are different from the political views I should have on American politics according to Reddit and this forum. Fuck that guy, won't be buying his Christmas album.

I imagine Negan enjoys making things as difficult as possible. A melee weapon is also not that big of a threat against guns.

I think the show will is enjoyable enough. It's often bad, but it also has some great episodes in between. It's not the worst show ever like a big part of the Internet wants people to believe. I see no problem in someone watching whatever he/she enjoys.

Yeah, good idea! This will definitely help things, because petitions always work.
As someone who isn't American that system always seemed weird to me, but everyone knew that system would be used. Hillary just didn't get enough votes in your weird system and as much as it sucks you'll have to accept it.

They'll be airing a mini documentary before next week's episode.

I have to agree, comedy shows have to take things seriously. I don't get why comedy shows try to make things funny, especially stuff like the American Election, which definitely was not a laughing matter with how not surreal it was.

What do you mean? People always say they quit and then most of the next episode anyway. I personally enjoy the show for what it is, it's not the greatest, but there is much worse.

Not a good reaction from Mr. Lazzo. To me it doesn't really matter what gender, race, size or whatever a writer is as long as they're a good writer. I'd love to see more female writers in comedy and other types of shows, but I don't want shows to hire a woman just for the sake of having a woman in their team.

When that moment happened I was afraid that they would have sex, but part of me thinks that BoJack can resist the urge atleast this once for Todd.

Also the fact that Kelsey could speak, but didn't bother to do it or tell BoJack about it made it even more depressing.