
I actually really enjoyed this episode, which is something I haven't said often this season.

I'm a little bit in love with Rosita. Daaayum!

More Eve next season please.

I absolutely love Susan, but its primarily from bias because she also plays Artmis on It's Always Sunny and I keep half expecting her to say something incredibly offensive. Susan has her moments too though.

Do you have an onion in your pocket right now?

You're completely right, he does rant as well. All the characters rant.

I find Mellie interesting and I did miss her this episode, especially since little actually really happened with any of the other characters this week.

The only character worth a damn on this show now is Mellie. She is the only interesting character with the direction that they've gone.

I hope we get more Mean Marge at some point. Kate Flannery is always fantastic.

I'm not even past the cold open and I've already had to pause for laughing.

Yes I completely agree with you, that Private Practice storyline is likely why I have so much time for her. Her Private Practice storyline is dark and tough to watch but it really does add so much to the character and makes her very sympathetic and a real person rather than a rebellious sexpot that likes to get her

I have such a crush on Rosa…..

I agree this isn't the best season of the show but all the episodes have been entertaining and this one in particular was the funniest this far for me.

I know the majority of people hate her but…….. I really do love Amelia. Even if she can be a massively insensitive and cringeworthy at times.

Awards for the entire cast!!!!!

It really isn't fair how god damn are active Rosa is.!

I love this Frank and an Artemis episode is always so, so welcome. But this episode, six episodes into season eleven, still doesn't feel totally Sunny to me.


Rosa's laugh in that cold open is so great, it reminds me of Nelson from the Simpsons.

'Plus, when she took her hair out of the bun she went from Moranis… Alanis'