
The Texans Were Tremendously Incompetent

Career highlight from


I don’t even know what a malignant neoplasm is, but I am now deathly afraid of them and will vote for whichever candidate vows to destroy them.

It’s guys like this that make me pro-72nd trimester abortions. #notachildbutadouche

I seriously can’t tell if this article is satire. The woman “Danielle” sounds like a complete narcissist who absolutely refuses to accept a sincere apology multiple times, climbs leaps and bounds above the chain of command to the CEO of the company, gets a month paid leave, and comes back expecting what exactly? Did

yup. the ptsd triggers part mad eme laugh. I am 100000% for women who feel uncomfortable in the work place for valid reasons, and this may not be the whole story, so I don’t want to say she sucks, but if this is the only incident, or this is how it usually plays out, this woman strikes me as the mom at the PTA who

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

Exactly, and it’s not like the guy said rape one single time. That would be like Buffy becoming a trigger because Spike basically raped her one time. This is some over-sensitivity gone out of control. This is not a ‘rape joke’ in any way shape or form.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So the guy apologizes multiple times for the joke and she keeps escalating it? I wouldn’t make a joke like that at work because it isn’t appropriate, but if someone apologizes while stating they will not do it again; it should be over right then. No need to escalate it right to the CEO without going through your



I think you’ve got a phenomenal first paragraph to your book right there.

Your question seems to presume there’s a downside to enabling idiots on the field.

Heisman Committee: “He put up incredible stats, but did you see that kid from a Power 5 school who put up even more middling ones?”

To be fair, Augusta wind could make Jim Nantz engorged.

All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.

If you ask me, they shouldn’t have been playing in Temple to begin with.

It occurs to me that they might be a better team if they didn’t spend all of their recruitment time on players named Army. Seems like a statistically small pool to draw from.