
I’ve only ever done a 50-miler, but I can confirm that ultras are more mental than they are physical. If you’re going to be serious about doing one, you train so much that the physical aspect is not such a big deal. It’s when you’re sitting at mile 30 (or in her case, mile 60 or so), that your mind starts to fuck with

Agreed. THis is directly competing with the Charger and SS.

Fuck Trump.

Or just careless dropping of “Lover”? It is certainly stereoptyping - and even was when coined for Valentino - but is it racist? The entire piece is a stereotype based on her anecdotal experience so using the old Latin Lover trope is consistent. I am not sure if, in 1995, Latin Lover was still more suggestive of

The image of the “Latin Lover”, not a comment about Latinos. Rudolph Valentino (Italian) was sort of an epitome (and, according to some sources, the term was coined for him and then often used for other actors/entertainers of Italian/Spanish/French/Latin American backgrounds). The use - especially without “Lover” -

Kidding aside, Jerry’s strengths and weaknesses are one and the same thing. He became the NFL Shadow Commissioner because he really is what Donald Trump pretends to be: he’s a conniving, ruthless snake with a penchant for young women, but is nevertheless able, through relentlessness, charisma and force of personality,

Dodge Demon people: “But can it pull the front wheels off the ground?!”

Great subjective assertions and clear expression of complete ignorance of the global automotive market.

Sometimes I feel like this website is just the TLDR of reddit/r/cars from the previous day. There was just a big post about the Japanese car sales there yesterday.

“....American cars really have no place outside of the USA.”

Nice write-up Bozi, keep ‘em coming!

Trump can suck a butt. This unnamed ex-Twitter employee is a hero. He’s America’s version of that anonymous guy who stood in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square.

You know what, I changed it to ‘covered’ just for you. I think that’ll work.

Look, I said pop-up/hidden all through the article. ‘Hidden’ just doesn’t work in the headline, because not enough people understand it right away. It’s tricky!

Sounds like he paid them up until he didn’t want to anymore. Not sure what the guy owes anyone more than that. I guess he could have given them two weeks notice, but guess what, those same people who apparently have ‘bills to pay’ but no emergency fund wouldn’t be any better off with the extra two weeks notice.


Who would expect Nippybus to leave customers out in the cold?

What are these people all bent out of shape about?

They would have amputated, however it would have been the wrong leg.

Okay, I can stop you. Three words:

This is horrifying. Thank the gods this didn’t happen at Purdue...