Sam Prilovic

He tours with his brother as a musical act in his spare time actually.  They're not terrible.

Flock of Seagulls made people do stupid things.

Yeah, that stood out as being particularly forced and implausible.  And for this show, that's saying a lot.

You wish.  It was renewed for a second season long ago.  It has a whole 'nother year to try to hit that ignominious form of rock bottom.

And then it turns out this whole thing was a drunken hallucination at the bottom of Ryan's bottle of Goldschlager.  Because everyone knows Poe was a fan of St. Elsewhere, and thought its snow globe ending was brilliant.

I'm sure next episode the kid will start digging an escape tunnel using broken graham crackers, and will accidentally uncover the burial niche from the Cask of Amontillado.  And then it will turn out that his mother has been a part of the cult the entire time.  Because screw you, that's why. ;)

At this point I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they had her build a jet pack out of graham crackers, marshmallows and aluminum foil hershey bar wrappers, followed by a dramatic escape from the roof, with Joe shooting at her in a callback to his escaping a shopping mall parking garage via helicopter, just to

This is almost bad enough to make me forget how much I loathed The Killing.  Almost.

That was just an uneven dose of occasionally amusing insanity.  I laughed my ass off at the pot-lid-spoon love triangle, and when the little girl came up on stage to roast her.  A lot of the rest of it was just long awkward lulls of squirming (especially the taint poetry), hoping something funny would happen.  And the

Soon all prisoners will be released!!!


Independence Day… and I think maybe Men in Black as well when he's fighting the bug.

Most of them weren't combat seasoned.  They panicked.  Happens.  Boot camp and subsequent combat training are harsh for a reason - reduces the chances of that sort of cluster.

Always the problem with zombie movies.  There are only two basic endings - everyone's dead (or will be), or they hand wave it away after someone finds a cure.

Yeah, the spike strip felt like it should have paid off somehow.  Maybe we're going to start the next season seeing that the governor's truck only made it another couple miles before the tires gave out completely?

Of course, now they have dozens of people to be zombie fodder next season. So.  Yay?

No one ever went broke underestimating the class of the internet. ;)

Not really, you can die and not kill if when you die (or after) someone has the courtesy to stab or shoot you in the head.  But yes, it felt a little clunky.