
If they can’t get a cut of the grift why would anyone work with Trump the monstrosity?

If only there were a god to save us from its believers.

If you use cruise control you better stop.

I’m more concerned with the risk of injuries and fatalities than parsing legal blame. So you’re saying that if the driver can be blamed for an accident caused by a defect in the auto SW, but the auto system lowers the death rate, you’d prefer more deaths. I believe the legal system can be adjusted, and that with lower

Yep, more data. I was objecting to jumping to the conclusion that semi-auto is a “terrible idea” in the absence of actual evidence to draw that conclusion. I’ve no doubt that as the tech develops there will be accidents and fatalities that wouldn’t have happened with a human driver. And that will distort the

In that comment I was specifically reacting to the assertion that semi-autonomous systems are a “terrible idea”, with zero supporting evidence. Clearly we can’t know that yet. We’ve simply grown accustomed to human drivers and the horrific death toll, the equivalent of a loaded 747 crashing every week. If that

Which part of “if injuries and deaths are lower” and “let’s get the data then decide” is confusing you? I’ll be here when you come back with the data that allows you to conclude this:

I hate to do this, it’s so silly. But did you read the comment I was responding to? He said this:

Virtually all sports are like that in some way or another. If you’re not working hard to find any advantage you can get away with you’re at a disadvantage because you know the others are.

Go look up straw man fallacy.  Did you actually read what I wrote? IF injuries and deaths are significantly lower by making semi-autonomous tech available why would anyone object to it? You made a flat either or statement. It must either be “autonomous” or “human driven”. What you’re saying literally is we can’t trust

It’s not at all clear that a system where the driver can take over at any second would force us to rely on the machine to make the choice you’re implying.  But overall if machines lower injury and death rates then why would we choose to not use them?  Say we can have 100% of the current death rate with human only

If it’s true that accident rates are lower when semi-autonomous systems are available to drivers vs not available, then why would it be a “terrible idea” to make them more available? I fully get that people will use the tech incorrectly, as they do with all tech, but how can you argue that lower injury and death rates

carrying Daenerys off into the sky as they traveled to a place where no one was ever likely to find them ever again.” 

The only thing that would motivate GOP Senators to vote for impeachment is if they believed their own political or financial future was at serious risk if they didn’t.  I have no idea what it would take for the voters in those states to support impeachment.

If more Senators spoke up in favor of impeachment.

Don’t see why this would come as a surprise. The GOP’s strategy has always been “we’ll do whatever we can get away with to further our agenda”. Lie, cheat, steal, anything. The real problem is their agenda sucks. Enrich the rich at the expense of everyone else, suppress voting by everyone who doesn’t like us, embrace

“You’re literally the only candidate who could lose a GOP seat in pro-Trump, pro-USA ALABAMA” - DJT Jr.

Likely true. Likely untrue that they’re here and came all this way just to befuddle Navy pilots.

What’s on the other side of a Möbius loop? 

Not a mystery, or Pelosi/Dem incompetence or spinelessness, it’s simply a political calculation. She’s not going to say publicly that’s what it is, but that’s obviously what it is. They’re collecting evidence. Bank records have begun to be released. Tax returns will come. Additional witness testimony. As long as the