Any other good recommendations out there?
Any other good recommendations out there?
The ignition was a Saab safety feature so your knee didn’t smash into the keys in a collision.
My gf and I had an Alfa 164 for a couple of years. Even after 2 years of having it I still needed to search for the right button.
I find the idea of a person starting an engine without knowing if it had just been filled with oil pure idiocy.
I don’t see how an airport is any worse than a crowded grocery store. Or Dog-forbid, Walmart - the land of the unmasked even BEFORE there was a vaccine. Of course, I have pre-check and an airline lounge membership, so I don’t hob-nob with the great unwashed masses much.
I came here to say this. I rent a ton of vehicles and, if there isn’t a car I like in the lot I always grab an Outlander. CUV, yes, but massively underrated compared to similar offerings.
I feel slightly sorry for the unvaccinated, and I’d really like them to get vaccinated so that we don’t see more variants. But as it is, I’m vaccinated, I have pretty much no personal risk, and I’m not bending over backwards to accommodate them anymore.
The only thing Mitsubishi needed to make a profit was for every other automaker to run out of inventory.
really? you’ve avoided flying due to the pandemic, but now you’ll sit in an airport bar without a mask drinking beer with people from all over the country - 50% of which have not been vaccinated. Probably the most high risk place in the airport.
You don’t hand the keys to something sporty to a teen driver, and it isn’t a question of whether he’s mature or not. How badly are you trying to blow up the insurance budget?
Well, according the show, the greatest car ever made in that universe, was apparently Fiona’s Hyundai.
4: Die in a fireball. Hopefully not on your first outing.
Screw your slideshow, but just seeing the word V-Max in a title made me want to comment. What a freaking hot rod.
I mean I hate to sound like a Hobbesian bastard here, but...
I had to *almost* give away my clean low mileage 2007 Sebring...
I would rather tailgate with you than whoever bought this monstrosity.
I avoid all toll roads like the plague. If I cannot enter your wonderful city, county, state etc.. without paying a “tax” to get in, then you do not need by tourist dollars.