
A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Not to mention, doing an occasional live fire exercise on bad mouthing, US economic interest getter-in-the-way, people killing, threat making, dictators/terrorists/beret-and-camo-pants-wearing person/s.

We actually do. But the problem with that design is heat soak, lots of pipe bending and replacement. As much as I hate to admit it, the closest modern equivalent may minivans. They're fighting for every inch of space

It ran alongside the frame rails.

Prius V.

It is hard to look at this parade and not think that China is advancing on the U.S. in fielding key weapon systems, if not beating America outright in some ways.

Outlawing handguns you say? Finally someone talking sense! Let's do it. 

Sorry, mate, the job’s Taycan!

BTW, I see what you did there with your name/handle, Mr. Hagar ;)

The flat floor was really cool. It’s a shame auto makers brought back the hump to be used for exhaust routing.

People tend to roll their eyes when rules and regulations get in the way of doing things easily. Of course their tune changes bigtime when they, their friends or family are seriously injured or killed, or their drinking water turns to poison, etc.

I like it, but again who in their right mind thinks modern wheels on classics is a good thing? Anytime I find myself watching Mecums on TV the most common thought I have (besides when will my takeaway order be ready so I can leave) is “Nice car, but its a shame about those wheels.”

Big companies are terrified of lawsuits. I design automated equipment and while I certainly want everything to be safe some of the issues raised by customers are downright rediculous... But these issues are raised because SOMEONE has managed to hurt themselves... More often then you would think it is deliberate.

It’s just a top-down radius, and not technically line of sight. You could be around the corner of a wall and it will still work. This is what the UI looks like. Usually it has the path of where it will drive shown on the map but I think it detects that it can’t get here from there

Tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, sugary foods...they all kill more people per year than auto accidents. How are they OK? Answer: ‘Murica!!

They don’t onmy current X5 50i (G05) and if they do in your car just disable ASD, Audi and MB do the same to an extent. Noise isolation is so good with acoustic glass and insulation that you hear the exhaust inside it's just very muted until you open the windows then this LOUD

Your totally bi-polar in your response. Lighting can’t be outlawed. It was an argument from the right that people only need to be held responsible for deaths resulting from hot cars, lawn darts, hand guns. That is all that is needed.

Lawn darts were outlawed.

To be fair, “It was always under control of the operator with the remote. The remote had an emergency stop button to press if something went wrong.” accurately describes Tesla’s Smart Summon as well. You don’t just press a button and cross your fingers. It has a deadman switch and if you release it, the car instantly s

My point exactly, so put it in a car that that actually has some excitement about it. Not a 2 tonne barge with so much sound deadening and exhaust baffling that V8 will never be heard.