
No, apostatizing kinda works there. 

When I was young, I was riding with my father in a mid 60s Corvair and the throttle return spring failed. He casually pushed in the clutch and shut off the ignition in one swift motion. We coasted onto the shoulder and walked to a gas station with a service bay and he bought a spring that would work. A bit of work on

Starred for the $4 word. 

I’m sure if either of the Corvettes had a manual, the seller would have found a way to get the photos in this listing.

CP. This is a simple one. A bit too much money for no clutch pedal.

Puhleaze, that’s not even 700 miles of stickers. My Toyota needs 7,500 of those stickers to indicate the mileage. 

I had to vote CP for the mouse track seat belts. I saw a Buick in a pick a part yard over the holidays with these seatbelts. I can't even look at cars with these, now. I'm sure this feature will score high on Radwood judging in the future, though. 

Tongue in cheek for the "modified production" comment. 

You’re in luck! I think 2 of these races have right hand corners! I’m pretty sure the truck series races “modified production” trucks.

I looked at the graphic, read the words in the linked article and this blog post as well. I'm still confused. Good thing it's getting more complicated. 

UTC is the way to go! The clock is an arbitrary number. 

I agree. The revolutionary products don’t always pay the bills. I also used to drive a Silverado as a company vehicle. When I got the keys it had 225,000 or so miles on it. The driver’s seat was blue, but the rest of the interior was gray. Seems a guy named Skinny had it before me. It was so over built, but I lived in

Do you know about the GMT800 platform? It’s a modular truck platform consisting of different frame modules that can be assembled in different fashions to support different body styles on top. Kinda like a skateboard. GM made many different variations of trucks and SUVs in this timeframe based on this platform. They

I’d love to have an EV. My daily average is right around 80 miles. The only issue with that is that Monday is 40, Tuesday is 40, Wednesday is 40 Thursday is sometimes 40, sometimes 400. Fridays are sometimes 0, sometimes 40, sometimes 500. Saturdays are a mixed bag. Sundays are sometimes 20 to sometimes 500.

Sure. I’m most upset by the tax.

Now I want to take my plastic car fob and CNC it out of hardwood. 

I see no problem. He has the slow tractor triangle on the back. /S

Oh, I totally understand that an EV is cheaper to drive per mile compared to a gasoline car. I’m pointing out the problem with the tax structure. I’m looking at comparisons of similar cars to BEVs. I’m guessing that people who would consider a Prius would be interested in a Niro EV. If I compare it to my current Prius

Funny they are trying to sell them in Georgia. Georgia used to be an EV friendly state with a tax break. 4 years ago that ended and now we are saddled with a $200 annual EV “registration” fee. Georgia must really need to replace the money from fuel tax these EVs are not paying.

I agree. I’ve had good luck with 3 Japanese cars, 1st one had 315K mi when I traded it for the 2nd one which had 217K mi when the odometer broke. I drove it for almost 2 more years. The 3rd will roll 200K before year’s end. All 3 with routine maintenance and completely without a major incident. My ex had a Japanese