
What a wonderful ad for Line Camera...
(since 2012)

ooh. story time?

sorry, unrelated, but I really don't like the new orange-y color that replaced the red for people's usernames and time posted

the show is a satire...

Taylor Swift has had a similar progression from being a slut shaming "good girl" to being a more traditionally pop star-y "good girl"

it's hard to tell because she's clearly a regular botox user — not judging, just saying

*48 and 37



this next please


if you thought it was offensive, then you're an ass


just a question about flagging, because I'm sort of new

I...don't know what text to include with this picture, so I'll let it just...exist.

This ragtag group tells me he's having a REAL hard time getting people he actually wanted.

Thank you so much for the recommendations :)


ugh, same.

I thought that too, but in the link it has a number of people with straight hair saying they don't wash or shampoo regularly.