Sam Malone

Hindsight being 20/20 and all that. I was watching an old episode of Politically Incorrect on YouTube a while back and the topic was "The Internet" and wether or not it was just a fad. Bill Maher even talked about how there was no way physical media like newspapers would ever be replaced.

Keep in mind most people make these decisions at 16/17 years old.

If you opened up a video store in 1998 (the year netflix launched) then you probably did alright… for a while atleast.

Ironically, rich people spend tons of time looking at The New Yorker too.

Excuse me, but not everyone has a liberal arts degree in Victorian Job Titles.

100 years ago, the automobile industry probably put a lot of black smiths out of work. Were all those unemployed black smiths at fault for not predicting the advent of the automobile?

Why didn't I think of that?!?! /s

It doesn't matter. If McDonald's doesnt make much money, they will use robots to cut costs.

80% of the American Work Force is in customer service. Restaurants, Fast Food, Hotels, Call Centers etc.

I never did end up getting with Rebecca Howe…

Does anyone else remember the golden age of the av club, when being the first to comment on an article was all the rage? What happened to Firsties?

Did you mean Xenu?

We all can't be high priced surgeons.

It would of been hilarious had he performed that routine in front of a crowd that wasn't in on the joke. As it stands the special is more interesting than entertaining.

Django Unchained (2012), borrowed heavily from Django (1966).

He admitted to having sex with woman while they were under the influence. That's all he has admitted. His version of events make it seem as if he and the women in question would party (take drugs) and then have sex. He may have provided the drugs but according to him it was all above board.

Did the Simpsons/Bobs Burgers wrap up last week?

Why do you feel comfortable calling Bill Cosby "a serial rapist at the end of a decades-long rape campaign."? The man has not been convicted of anything. Just a lot of allegations at this point.

Even the the most sorid sex scandal, usually begins with an unsubstantiated rumor. If we learned anything from the Cosby thing it's that many of the victims didn't speak out right away, because of the damage it would do to their own careers.