You are right about that, but here's the thing. Certain female comedians refuse to go on tour with a comedian as popular as Louis CK, despite what it might do for their own careers, because of how creepy the guy is. This is not insignificant.
You are right about that, but here's the thing. Certain female comedians refuse to go on tour with a comedian as popular as Louis CK, despite what it might do for their own careers, because of how creepy the guy is. This is not insignificant.
Are you talking about Bill Cosby? Or Louis CK? Or Woody Allen? Or Roman Polanski? Or David Bowie? Or Mike Tyson? Or Rick James? How about Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, CeeLo Green, Julian Assange, Terry Richardson, Tupac Shakur, Gary Glitter, Charlie Sheen, Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Nicolas Cage, and Chris Brown? All of…
All professional athletes cheat on thier wives with young women. So the only thing he is guilty of, is being a professional athlete.
What's different about the new format? It seems pretty much the same to me.
How does he find the time to go to the gym? He has been working, pretty much non stop, since That 70s Show when off the air.
Slamin' Salmon is a perfect example of FUBU entertainment. Unless you have worked as a server, I dont think you can really appreciate it.
Some people are super tasters, which basically means you are more sensitive to bitter tastes. The people who like IPA probably aren't super tasters. Grape Fruit is another example, apparently some people actually like the stuff.
White people ruin everything…
The Pink Panther is the extent of my Sellers knowledge. I'll investigate further to see if there is more to this guy than being a fumbling french detective.
The Pink Panther series is pretty lame, so that fact that you consider it some high water mark for comedy suggests to me that you are approximately 93 years old.
Win a date with Tad Hamilton is 12 years Old.
Starring Mila Kunis in the role of the titular "Psycho"
By all accounts they actually have a pretty good marriage. So I don't think anyone but Kanye knows. Either way, the work of Kayne West is much like the bible. It's best not to take either too literally.
Doggie style sex with his t shirt on. Classy as fuck.
That's my favorite part of the song. Infamous pop culture event that marked Kanye's transformation into Yeezus. Behind closed doors, and deep down inside maybe Swift is kind of glad the whole incident happened. People liked her before, but they REALLY liked her after.
It's a popular hip hop song at the moment.
It is not a very commercial album. I can't imagine any song reaching "White Iverson" level of popularity. I enjoyed it, but if you didn't like his last couple of albums then you won't like this one. He is pretty far down the rabbit hole at this point.
The I-10 west from Santa Monica to Tucson, isn't bad. Tucson to El Paso is 8 hours of desert.
I wonder what percentage of the jokes are scripted vs improvised. I always gave this show a pass for its groan inducing forced football metaphors. My assumption was that most were written on the spot. But if someone actually sat down, pen in hand, and crafted those groaners, well I find that very upsetting.
Poor Leslie Bibb.