Sam Malone

Ohh your thinking about Richard Ruccolo. He's dead… not really, but his career certainly is. He was a recurring character on Joey. He was also in that Beyonce movie, Obsessed. If you are not familiar with the show, he was essentially Ted Mosby before HIMYM. His entire arc on the show was about finding "The One."

What's the deal with all the fake incest? I'm not saying that I want real incest in my porn, but the supply of incest porn seems to greatly out weigh the demand.

Hudson was In at least one great movie (almost famous) Reynolds has yet to be in anything slightly above average.

You mean Nathan Filion? He did a show called Firefly, and is currently working on season 17 of Castle.

You think 8 year old Chinese kids would be able to make a quality happy meal toy. That's the problem with kids these days, no work ethic.

Edgy stuff.

House Guest with Sinbad and Phil Hartman.

Observe and report was the 2nd best movie about a mall cop that came out that year. The first was obviously paul blart mall cop aka pbmc.

That was 1999, and while it did introduce us to the vile specimen, Knocked Up was his break out role. A movie made based on the success of 40 y/o virgin.

Just one of the guys. Best boobs in cinema history. Just when you think you aren't going to see anything… Bam! You get a face full of breasts. 2nd most arousing twist in a movie. The 1st is obviously Kevin Bacon's penis in Wild Things.

40 year old virgin was great. Unfortunately it released Seth Rogan upon us all.

Panjabi was making out with Gillian Anderson, for an episode of "the fall" and the director felt that Panjabi was "too into it." Playing a lesbian for 6 years on the good wife was starting to take its toll. She knew she had to quit.

Born and raised in Chino, Ca. I was in HS when the OC became a massive hit. It took me forever to realize that the Chino depicted in the show was the same place I had lived all my life.

I have I love/hate relationship with this show.
I spent a good couple of years after college as a shut-in doing nothing but getting stoned in front of the TV with my dog. Its a sad day when you can relate all to well with psychologically damaged TV characters. One day I'll get my shit together.

For better or for worse urbane = gay. It's an unfortunate stereotype but it was a big part of the show, people (even Marty) were constantly thinking that the Crane boys were not straight.

The episode came out shortly after X2. Has this Stewart fellow done much else besides comic book movies?

Well dressed, effeminate men lobbing zingers at one another.

In the last season of Frasier there is an episode where Frasier Crane dates Alastair Burke. A character played by an up and coming Patrick Stewart.

It's like Frasier, except the homosexuality is overt rather than just implied.

There should be something along the lines of Godwin's Law regarding The Simpsons. Everytime The Simpsons is mentioned on the internet it devolves into a discussion on how the show hasn't been good since (insert season)