
He’s a huge bitch. why aren’t we floating that idea?

Those texts make my head hurt

And don’t drive like my brother!!

napkins are white, get over it.

LOL Later bitch.  You’re about to Keyshaun Johnson yourself.


I’ll show myself out.

Its the Cubs.... what did you expect?

this is real journalism

stitches is still looking for you...

guttertrash gonna guttertrash

who’s this?

banned for like a week.  slap on the wrist.

Dafran is no Serenity Now.  Try harder son...

And here I sit all excited because I thought she was going to stop making trash music based on the title.  What a let down.

AND stone cold’s music. how apropos

You know what else looks stunning in 8k?  just about anything.

BOOM.  told ya.

I’m calling it. ACL tear.

That little fatboy just won me some serious cash.  Offshore betting had him at +1000 not less than 5 days ago.

being ha banned is the worst.