
pretty humdrum “chew out” if you ask me.

Who doesn’t love a good slide show?  amiright?

This game rumor has been dead for some 7 years already...

The only Mastodon is the band. Anything else is garbage.

I mean really.... is anyone surprised he’s a ginormous douchehorn?

we talkin’ about PRACTICE...... Practice man...

I made a T-shirt that is significantly less funny now but It simply said, “For a good time, Call Fred Smoot”

excellent. I had been crashing very consistently.

Kelvin Benjamin, catcher of footballs, thrower of shade.

I am most certainly NOT Dr. Frazier Crane.  What sort of vapid, milquetoast, nonsensical misappropriation of life is this? Absurd.  Next caller please.

Can I sting people?

Been sitting here digging holes around the clutches of eggs.  No matter how I dig them, depth, width, it never seems to matter, they fall down the hole and get me.  The only way I can get it to work is one at a time while roof jumping.

lol that movie suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

uhh......  no.

watching these kids eat it has made my day. thanks jalopnik

I swear I’ve seen Jerry Seinfeld wear these before....

wasn’t there a fish weapon in vanilla?  one you could catch fishing?

The Cubs are garbage, they play on a garbage field and they have garbage fans. 

“Libritarians”  That a bunch of librarians?