
quit writing shitty lyrics. problem solved.

Coach is right 100%. If you can’t take the time or make the effort to spell a guy’s name right... especially one that you could get with a rudimentary google search, you aren’t sincere.

Give two shits to get two shits. Don’t believe me? Do it out in the business world, you’ll never get anywhere.

went off the side of his ass, he’ll be fine.



Don’t need a game. Already did it more than once.

please shut up.

God hates men’s basketball at Purdue.

never have I given less of a fuck about something on this site.

got his fingers cut off eh? have fun playing PUBG now.

and Rex Grossman appeared in a superbowl. smh.

Good. Fine. Great. Just quit eating tide pods and setting yourselves on fire and shit.


interesting, I need to see video evidence of it though.... for ....homework and stuff...

did anyone watch the first vid? We’re just gonna let the smeared make-up thing go? Ok.

“See, here’s the thing.” “Let me tell you something”

Fucking guy is greasy as a door to door insurance salesman.

she fat.

Esports are only one step above LARPing. fucking nerds.

Does it have to make sense?

insert awful pun here. collect recs.