
or... just stop buying shitty Apple products...

Dixon sucks Donkey Dicks.

The college in Mankato hasn’t been named Mankato State since the 60's, loser.

christ, can we please cut it out with the stupid keyboard shit?

this has got to be a fucking joke.

a goold ol’ Mexican scoff off brewing here folks.

i think you have a drinking problem

This will very quickly turn into a live action 4chan.

wouldn’t it be fair to say that Company of Heroes IS the perfect RTS?

you’re wrong.

and thats all there is to it.


that game is HARD

if you look closely, you’ll see a bunch of middle fingers.

Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band??? You’ve got to be joking..... you’ve GOT to be. This list is 99.3% correct.

fuck country music

the yips are real.

TMR is a goddamned beast. Love that guy!

he shoulda grabbed her by the pussy

my god. “esports” is the most boring thing ever.

This is horrifying