@Sam Iacullo - Going to BJ Scottsdale!: ...to this! It went from a RWD tank of a Swedish everymanmobile to a FWD luxo sport sedan.
@Sam Iacullo - Going to BJ Scottsdale!: ...to this! It went from a RWD tank of a Swedish everymanmobile to a FWD luxo sport sedan.
@fhrblig: This should be one of the top ten. It really began the beiging of the Japanese auto industry, and would have a ripple effect for the next 25+ years.
@Wish my Sonata ran on veggies: Not only that, but it brought new aero styling that was considered controversial. It also brought the second generation Lightning, which may be a decent enough revolution in it's own.
@caucasian: Yes, yes it is.
The one thing that stood out to me the most? The body-colored bumper on the F 150 in picture 10. Yikes!
Mr. Temple,
@JennyDreadful: I agree with cowbelles. I worked at a dealership for a few years, and we never, EVER assumed who was buying a car. We never even assumed anyone was buying a car in the first place, but that's another story.
@cowbelles: Your comment makes me beg the question: why aren't you a commenter on Jalopnik? There are maybe 2 or 3 female commenters over there and we could use your voice of knowledge.
@ThatsWatReeSaid: "Smells like a steak and seats 35"
@greeneyedfem (MzJ+SG deserve stars): Oh excellent! I actually did a project for a Women In Society class that I used the spoof below as an example. I like it a little more because it references the original commercial, but also women in business.
@Sam Iacullo - Starting a Marque: Here's another
Ah, also found some more ads from their current campaign, which are decidedly less macho. Another ad in reply.
A big hello from over at Jalopnik! I've come from a cross-post, and thought for sure you would remember this gem of a commercial from the Super Bowl a few years back. Enjoy! (Or hate, but it's relevant)...
@KaBoomBOX: Soul Man? Are you SURE you want to go with that one?
Nostalgia Man! He's in his Golden Years, but he just doesn't like the way these new-fangled cars look. He longs for the day of fixing distributor points and carburetor ajdustments. However, he would rather just have someone else work on it. He drives the most retro-looking piece of modern automotion he can find.
@snapoversteer drives a CORVOLTTE: They saw what you did there...
How timely! I'm charged with testing the market for an 84 Esprit Turbo in Torch Red with 13k miles, original owner, Lotus maintained it's entire life. It's his baby, but since the last Lotus dealer in San Antonio closed, he can't keep it up like he wants to. The only mods he's done are stronger fans, so the thing can…