Chart #4
Chart #4
Chart #3
Chart #2
Let's try this one more time, but with hashtags! Chart #1
@Eggwich McSpencer: You, sir speak wisdom. A user tag would be absolutely fantastic, but I think something legal may have to be worked out. Are emails consdiered a submission, and therefore property of Gawker? Like, you email an article, but it doesn't get published for a few months or longer.
@B-Sel; currently in a geolippsoidal state: At the moment it is, but the FIAT Group bought out Chrysler from the Government and UAW. Fiat has the option to increase their stake in the company in steps with a maximum of 51% interest. While they may not own it outright, they are calling the shots.
Thank you a thousand times for clarifying what the heck happened. I did notice that the quality of articles posted on weekend 2 was significantly better than articles posted the weekend before. I hoped it wasn't just me being more accepting of crap after reading through all the posted articles.
Toyota's new slogan: We can build great cars, but we choose not to.
@Elhigh: Charts in comments below.
@Jude Butler: Oh, ok. I hoped that was where you were going. The fuzzy lines are exactly what I wanted to get people talking about, and after reading my response, I came off sounding a bit like a douche. Heart-click for reading and thinking critically about my article, and heart-click for not being a jerky contrarian.
@Jude Butler: The Escape was created along side the Tribute, and Ford had a controlling stake in Mazda.
@dmoneyfa5: I knew someone who had the 85. That was the definition of a tank. 3 bench seats that sat 4 each, 2 45 gallon gas tanks and 12 mpg on the highway.
@Caraes_Naur: Giant chart of who owns who is linked in my article (click Carpocalypse). Jag hasn't been British since Ford bought them, and Lambo hasn't been italian since Audi bought them. I mean, an all-wheel drive super car that rarely catches fire and works more than 75% of the time? Not italian by a long shot.
@no1_nyy_fan: Smells like a steak and seats 35.
@crazycarlarry: Ok, before you go jamming keyboards down my throat, let me rephrase my comment. I wrote the article I wanted to write (mostly), and made the point that I wanted to make (Toyota, Honda more American than people give them credit for). Just because you don't need numeric evidence of American-ness, doesn't…
@Vavon: I just now saw it. Thanks for approving the article.
@xxpor is currently enjoying having a car that mostly works: This was sort of tongue-in-cheek for the very reason that you describe.
@Vavon: Charts posted in comments.