
Maybe get some more of your liliputian lefty County prosecutors to try and charge him with a bunch of shit.

He’s gonna do a rally in Madison Square Garden!!  What a BOSS!!

A BENTLEY SUV is a disgrace.

G/O = Gawker Orphan?

Someone who isn’t a dipshit would get an apartment closer to work.

Surprised they didn’t award it to the black race-hoaxer - you know, for like equity and stuff.

Tiny Tim really let himself go.

Severance?  Fuck that - the auto Unions are driving everyone out of business.  Fuck their severance.

Some fag who dyes his hair blond is not normal.

Why the F would workers get ‘severance’?  When they quit they don’t give a ‘severance’ to the employer.

No idea how or why Buick is still in business.

Wait a second - that idiot Biden is telling us all how great his economy is - yet almost a majority of Americans would be wiped out by a large car repair?  That’s fucked up.  Forget ever buying a house!

$50k???  Sheeeeit the illegal immigrants get more than that in free handouts!

When you went to J school -  did you count on being assigned to write a story about a penis?  Nice dude.  LOL

America Loves Trump!

Don’t you think stating the interest rate on the loan is relevant?  Dumbasses.

Racist comment.

It’s an inanimate object, douchetard.

Biden’s too busy waging war on half of America.

At least they didn’t break into our country illegally. Deport those assholes first.